9 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
Cankers are little ulcers in your mouth that cause you just enough pain to distract you from enjoying the little things in life. There are no magic pills to get rid of canker sores in the blink of an eye, although you can speed up the healing process. Don’t let them slow you down from getting your mouth back to its normal functions! Follow these suggestions to get rid of your canker sores quickly and easily.
Canker sores tend to last about a week. You might not be able to speed up the recovery of canker sores by more than a day or two with any of these methods, but you can minimize the pain you feel.
Salt will sting at first, just like the lemon will. It will soothe your canker later, however, which is why people put up with the initial pain of adding salt to the sore. You need to apply salt three to four times per day to maximize its effect as well.
The good news is that it works. Buckley’s tastes bad too, but that’s not why you use it! You may have noticed that none of these alternatives act like a magic pill. None of them are perfect, so you’ll need to figure out just how to make the most of each solution. Each of these are measures based on common personal experiences. Not everything works for everyone – remember that!
Avoid applying a salt rock to your canker directly if you can. Doing so will sting more than salty water and you will probably experience more pain than from a salty water solution. You’re already in pain, so don’t cause yourself to suffer more of it unnecessarily.
Apply hydrogen peroxide correctly: use a 3% mix with water at a 1:1 ratio. You can swish it in your mouth or dab a cotton pad into the solution and apply it to the sore in your mouth. Don’t eat or drink anything for an hour or so after trying this, and repeat it regularly throughout the day. Four times daily would be a safe bet for optimal results.
If none of these solve your pain problem, then try these:
What is a canker sore? It’s a miniature mouth ulcer that causes annoying levels of pain. It’s not a cold sore, although people often confuse the two. Cold sores appear on the outside of the mouth, generally, while canker sores appear on the inside.
Medical experts haven’t pinned an exact cause for it, although genetic dispositions can go a long way toward developing them. Certain fruits, like tomatoes, can trigger canker sores in specific people, but you would only realize that after it happened. The most general factors contributing to them are poor diets and weak immune systems.
That’s how you can get rid of canker sores. Nothing works as quickly as we’d like, but they will speed up the healing process and offer pain relief until it goes away. Try out everything on the list until you find the most effective method of your personal taste. Good luck!
1. Use a numbing spray in small doses.
This method requires finesse, so be careful! This won’t make it go away any faster, but it will remove the pain you feel. That’s the important part, anyway. Cankers go away of their own accord with time, so reduce your own pain while it happens.2. Eat yogurt.
Yogurt won’t solve your problems overnight, but it is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to speed up a healing mouth sore. It can be one of the tastiest methods if you buy the flavoured kind! Yogurt’s basic properties will soothe the pain in your mouth in a manner similar to how milk soothes your mouth while on fire from spicy cuisine.3. Put ice on it.
Putting small ice cubes on a canker sore won’t remove the pain as numbing spray would, but exposure to ice will certainly stop the swelling. You’ve probably noticed the swollen red area surrounding the grey centre of the mouth sore. Reduce the swelling to lessen some of the pain naturally. Besides, you won’t accidentally bite it since the canker won’t be numb!4. Apply a bit of lemon to disinfect it.
It’s going to sting, but might help where all else fails. The lemon might also be able to disinfect it the sore, but numbing it is the lemon’s real purpose. Vitamin C may help along the healing process, but check with your dentist to see if this is still the best alternative. Medical advice changes pretty drastically with periodical research.5. Apply salt directly to the canker sore.
6. Buy an over-the-counter product.
Try canker sore removal products. These are one of the more upscale products, but it may be faster to have this on hand than trying to apply lemons, ice, yogurt, or salt to the sore. If you have the money to spend, you might want to keep canker sore removal stuff on hand from now on and soothe your mouth with yogurt until it arrives this time.7. Swish warm salt water in your mouth.
This one is more for people at home than at work. Communicating with colleagues will be difficult, and you might find it hard to maintain productivity while constantly getting up to empty your mouth of salty water. It would certainly look funny, though!8. Use hydrogen peroxide.
You can buy this over the counter at any store with any kind of pharmacy section. It disinfects the canker by killing the unwanted bacteria, which in turn lets your mouth begin the healing process sooner. You might even experience several degrees of pain relief!9. Some more alternative methods.
- Sage is also rumoured to work, so try it if you have it on hand. See if you have any laying around in your kitchen!
- Chamomile tea could marginally soothe your sores without looking like a goof at work. Sipping tea is much more socially acceptable than swishing salty water every 10 minutes.
- Coconut oil might soothe your sore as well. It will probably taste better than the alternatives.
- Alum must be taken very carefully, but small and localized applications might work. Don’t use this on children.
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