
Best Ways To Get Rid Of Acne and Scars

Having acne makes any person, teen or adult, self-conscious. Even the scars make people not like the way their self-image. Many people want to hide themselves if the scars are bad enough; staying inside instead of out on the town. The good news is there are several different treatments available. Talk with a dermatologist or try some natural home remedies. In order to learn how to get rid of acne and scars you need to learn about acne and how it starts.
Acne is when the pores of the skin become clogged or inflamed. This leads to white heads, black heads, and even cysts. Acne can occur at any time in a person?s life, most of the time acne occurs in teenagers. Hormonal changes, greasy cosmetics, drugs and swelling can produce acne. There are also two types of acne scars; they are depressed and raised. The depressed scars look like pits or depressions on your skin. Raised scars are above the skin?s surface.
There are many natural remedies that can help improve the body?s skin. Here are some ways to help with acne and acne scars. Drink tons of water; dead skin cells fall off a lot easier when the body is hydrated. New skin will also be able to grow faster. Eating tons of fruits and vegetables will give the body lots of vitamins and minerals. This will help restore your skin to its former beauty. Lemon Juice will also help shed the acne scars. A well balanced diet along with anything else will defiantly help rid your acne scars from the body. Some natural foods that help are chicken, tofu, soy and fish. Other ways are to make your own face mask. Any of the natural items that help with acne reduction can be in the mask. Leave any mask on for about 10 minutes, rinse and pat dry.
Other natural ways to rid the skin is to apply items directly to the scars. These include applying aloe Vera; research which brand of aloe Vera is the best one. Treating the scars with tomatoes may help rejuvenate the skin; tomatoes are rich in vitamin A which stops the production of sebum. Olive oil, honey, rosehip seed oil, lavender oil, rose water and sandalwood can also be applied to the acne scars. Applying any to the scars will help moisturize the skin, make the skin look younger, and reduce the appearance of acne scars. Any of these treatments should be done regularly.
There are also many beauty products that are on the market specifically for the treatment of acne. There is Proactiv, Clean and Clear, and Neutrogena are some of the top products for treating acne. Proactive is a three step system; the steps are renew, revitalize, and repair. This system helps to remove dirt, oil and dead skin cells. Clean and clear has their system entitled Clean and Clear Advantage; which is also a three step system including a cleanser, moisturizer and spot treatment. Neutrogena also has a three step system. All of these systems are designed to help with the treatment of acne.
There are stronger medications than over the counter. In order to get these they need to be prescribed by a doctor. There are oral antibiotics that include tetracycline, minocycline, erythromycin, trimethoprim and amoxicillin. Topical treatments can be prescribed that include clindamycin, erythromycin and dapsone. These treatments should be applied as prescribed. Most of the well-known treatments have benzoyl peroxide in them. Some of them have salicylic acid. Women have hormones that can make their acne worse. A lot of teenage girls go on birth control to help with their acne, but it can sometimes be made worse by it.
If it comes to it minor procedures can be done to help eliminate acne scars. These include photodynamic therapy, chemical peeling, dermabration, or injection of cortisone. There is also a treatment called blue light therapy which destroys acne; a combination of red and blue light may be more effective. There is also pulsed light, heat energy, diode laser, and photodynamic therapy. The photodynamic therapy combines the topical treatments as well as the light based treatments. This is followed by any type of light therapy. There is also photopheumatic therapy uses a type of vacuum to suck all the oil and dead skin cells that are in the glands.
Many people would like results the next day but expectations should be set a little lower. Treatments for acne will normally take six to eight weeks. To keep acne at bay is to wash problem areas with a gentle facial cleaner every day. Avoid any type of irritant that can produce acne such as oily or greasy cosmetics. Avoid touching your face and what you have touching your face to keep acne away. Picking or squeezing blemishes can cause infection or scarring. The bottom line in how to get rid of acne and scars it to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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