
Best Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Bumps

Modern technology and the spread of information make it is easy to learn how to get rid of acne bumps. There are several different types of bumps, and some of them are associated with a white or yellow fluid. Other bumps may be caused by shaving, and there is no fluid. A lot of times, the bumps are caused by a clogged pore. The skin cells secrete an oil called sebum. This can clog pores, and then a bacteria may come along and cause an infection. This leads to the ugly sight of acne, but there are plenty of ways to get relief. Here are a few home remedies that make use of common household products.
Aspirin: Aspirin contains the active ingredient salicylic acid. This is often sold in a number of over-the-counter acne remedies. It is highly effective and works by causing the outer layer of skin to shed. This dries out the acne bump and causes new skin to take over. It is especially important to wear sun screen after applying salicylic acid because the skin is prone to sun burn. Aspirin pills can be ground and combined with water to form a paste. This can be applied to an acne bump and left overnight. Wash the paste off in the morning, and the bump should begin to disappear within a day or two.
Lemons, limes and potato wedges: These veggies are another great way to get rid of ugly acne bumps. They contain a host of phytonutrients that can be absorbed directly through the skin. Applying a few slices on a daily basis will improve skin condition.
Toothpaste: Toothpaste can also be applied directly to an acne bump. It should be put on the skin during the night and washed off in the morning. The toothpaste will dry the skin out, and this helps remove the bacteria that are responsible for the acne zit. It will significantly reduce the size of an acne bump overnight. Menthol and alcohol are used in some toothpaste formulations, and many people are sensitive to these chemicals, so they should be avoided.
Fruits: There are plenty of fruits that work by nourishing the skin, and they will also draw impurities out of the skin. It is easy to create a solution at home, and this can be added to a favorite lotion for the best effects. Boil 50 grams each of raspberry, blackberry and strawberry leaves with a half-gallon of water. This will create a lotion or will produce a pack that can be applied to the face on a daily basis.
Mint: Mint is another effective remedy that is easy to find around the home. Keeping a few mint plants in the garden ensures access to an herb that has a number of versatile uses around the home. The mint leaves can be juiced with a food processor or juicer. This can them be applied to the face each night to help new cells rejuvenate and get rid of ugly acne bumps.
Lettuce: Lettuce can be soaked in water to create a refreshing rinse. Any kind of lettuce will work fine. It should simply be soaked in cold water for a few hours. This water should be drained and used daily for the best results.
Tomatoes: Tomatoes can be ground into a paste. This is ideal to use with other herbs or veggies such as mint to create a luxurious mask. The fruit has a number of vitamins that will nourish the skin and provide the nutrients that are required for new cells to thrive.
Clove oil: This is another herb that may be in the home, and it provides a number of benefits. It is a powerful skin care supplement that is effective at eliminating the bacteria that are responsible for the white fluid in an acne bump.
There are also a number of other effective medications that are especially designed to treat acne. Many of these products can be purchased over-the-counter from a local pharmacy or grocery store. There are some variations of these products that are stronger and are only available with a prescription. Many people consult their family physician to learn how to get rid of acne bumps.
Salicylic acid. This acid unclogs pores and loosens the sebum and oil that surround them. This removes acne bumps in a matter of days.
Benzoyl peroxide: This is one of the most common acne medications, and it comes in a number of formulations. Shoppers can find it in soaps, creams and lotions. It should be applied twice a day for the best results. There are some negative issues, and benzoyl peroxide can dry skin out.
Triclosan or Chlorhexidine gluconate: These chemicals are other powerful ways to kill the bacteria that is responsible for unsightly white heads. They will kill a number of acne bacteria and are still gentle on the skin. They may be less effective than benzoyl peroxide, but most people find them easier on their skin.
Sulfur: Sulfur or sodium sulfacetamide are the active ingredients in a number of effective products. The formulas should contain 5 or 10 percent concentrations. Doctors are unsure why these substances work, but they suspect that they have an action like salicylic acid.
Using astringents and acne washes: Acne bumps are often the result of an infection. This can be due to the buildup of sebum or oil throughout the day. Rinsing the face twice a day will remove this accumulation and will help to reduce the frequency and amount of acne bumps.
These products are highly effective, and they can be found in most pharmacies without a prescription. Getting rid of acne bumps is often a project that requires constant dedication. Some products take some time to work, and you should expect up to eight weeks to see the best results. If these results are not quick enough, it is always possible to consult a dermatologist. These are professional doctors who specialize in the health of the skin. They can provide a number of powerful prescriptions that are highly effective in a short period of time.

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