Sometimes we just don’t have the time to commit to 6 month programs for getting rid of body fat. If you think you’re ready for an intensive 2-week regiment to lose a few extra pounds of fat, then this article is for you.
In this article, we break down how to get rid of that extra body fat, and be beach-bod ready within the next two weeks.
1. Proper diet
Perhaps even harder than sticking to a workout regiment is keeping a proper diet. If you’re looking to get rid of that fat within 2 weeks, you need to stick to a strict diet of only the healthiest and most appropriate foods.
One of the most important things you can do during this 2 week period is to drink lots of water. Water plays a key role in the body process of burning fat, so you definitely want to stay hydrated so the body can do its job properly. Keep a bottle or glass of water next to you all day as a constant reminder to keep up your water levels.
The key nutrient you’re going to want to get for a quick fat burning process is protein. Protein builds muscle and fuels your weight-loss process, so try to get as much protein as possible through healthy sources.
Foods like unmarinated, lean chicken breast and unsalted/unflavored nuts are great ways to get protein. They might not taste as good as some of the flavored options, but there’s no time to mess around during this 2 week period.
2. Eat the right fats
One common misunderstanding people have is that all fats are bad for you. It’s important to know the difference between unsaturated and trans or saturated fats.
Unsaturated fats are the good kind. You can find this kind of fat in things like avocados, cashews, and whole-grain breads (check the label). These can help to lower blood cholesterol levels and decrease your chances of heart disease.
Trans and saturated fats are found in processed meats and lots of fast-food joints. If too much of these are consumed, there’s going to be buildups in the arteries which can lead to stoppages and possibly heart attacks.
You’ll also want to make sure to make sure you’re getting the right kind of carbohydrates, and burning them off afterwards. Starchy carbs are found in things like pasta and bread, and when they aren’t burned through exercise, they will turn into fat. Carbs are great for giving you an energy boost before a workout, but make sure to only eat what you need.
3. Exercise regularly
A good rule of thumb for someone trying to lose weight is ‘burn more calories than you eat’. You’d be surprised at how many calories you burn by doing simple things like walking to work or going up the stairs, so this is actually a very achievable goal.
If you’re looking to lose weight within 2 weeks, you’re going to want to burn more than you eat. Stick to your limited diet of healthy foods, and exercise several times a day.
Getting a good amount of daily exercise is a great way to improve your overall health. When your heart rate is raised during a workout, your body is essentially crying out for more energy. The heart is pumping faster, and more fuel has to get to those muscles. You As push harder in the workout, the body starts to tap into the other sources of energy; the fats.
4. Raise your metabolism
Another way exercise helps the body is by raising the overall metabolism. Our metabolism runs by converting food to fuel. The more efficiently we can change our food to fuel, the better we’ll be able to use it, and the more we can use it to our benefit.
By increasing the metabolism in your body, you’re making the body work harder to transfer more food to energy. The harder your body works, the more fat you’re going to burn.
There’s all sorts of exercises you can do to raise your heart rate. Aerobic fitness like jogging or biking is a great way to get your blood pumping, or you could hit the weights for an hour to get a solid workout. Muscles need a lot of energy to carry your body, so the more you use them the more fat you’re going to burn.
One little trick you can do is to drink a black coffee before a workout. We know this dark drink fuels us in the mornings, but it’s also a great way to help shed fat. The caffeine works by causing the body to rely more on fat for fuel during a workout than other sources of fuel. This helps you get rid of the fats, and retain the more important vitamins and minerals.
5. Make a plan
Once it’s written in paper, the plan usually becomes a lot more realistic. The amount of people who make New Year’s resolutions to workout more is crazy. January is one of the busiest times of the year for most gyms, but most people usually fade out after that first month.
By creating a written plan for your diet and exercise, it makes it much easier to manage the whole routine. You might forget one day that you were supposed to eat a certain meal, or go for an early morning run before work. Having a constant reminder is a good way to stay on track.
Another helpful tip when planning your meals is to spread them out during the day as much as possible. Instead of the classic 3 meals a day, spreading them out into 5-6 a day is a great way to raise your metabolism.
After a big meal, it takes a long time to digest the food and transfer it into the energy we need. Eating that big meal will be satisfying, but once our body has gotten enough energy it needs, the rest of the food is going to be turned into fat stores.
By eating these smaller meals throughout the day, you give your body more time to digest the essential nutrients, and less fat to store.
6. Commit with a friend
Once you’ve worked out a solid diet and exercise routine, make sure to stick with it. If you’ve got a friend who’s also looking to shed a few pounds, bring them along with you. Having someone there to motivate you is a great way to stay on track, and not get discouraged from the great progress you’re making.
The name of the game for quick weight loss is discipline. Straying from your diet or workout schedule for just one day can be enough to not get the results you want. Two weeks is a very short period to try to get rid of body fat, so stay fit and stay focused, and you will get there!
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