
Best Ways To Get Rid Of Earaches

Earaches are quite nasty, since the pain resonates with sound. The aching comes from the inner ear, which is deep within the ear canal, making it hard to reach for treatment. Unlike other organ ailments, you can treat the infection with anti-inflammatory cream. You have to resort to dropped solutions, antibiotics for relief, but if the pain becomes intolerable, don't hesitate to consult your doctor.

Causes and Symptoms

Earaches are caused by numerous factors, namely the buildup of earwax, a powerful hit on the jaw, a rapid change of altitude/air pressure, jaw arthritis, and infections of the inner ear. An earache is treatable, in fact, you should have no trouble dealing with it, given the number of remedies available. However, if you don't act fast, especially if the pain is accompanied by fever, you might incur permanent ear damage. Once you feel pain from your inner ear, accompanied by one or a combination of these conditions, apply a remedy:
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • ear swelling
  • discharge from the ear


The remedies for earache vary from simple acts, like yawning or chewing gum, to taking medicine and antibiotics, which relieve pain and treat inflammation. Their effects are dependent on the ache's causes. Taking the wrong remedies can sometimes worsen your condition, so you should be watchful.

A Change in Altitude

  • Yawning - If your earache is caused by the sudden buildup of air pressure or a change in altitude, you can deal with the pain by popping your ears. Yawning, which stimulates your ears with force, expels the buildup in an instant. Focus on a dull thought or read a fairly interesting item until you get sleepy. A series of yawns will, then, follow, stopping earache that very moment.
  • Chewing Gum - The jaw is directly connected to your inner ear, so if air pressure suddenly builds, strong and frequent movements from your jaw make your ears pop. Munch on chewing gum until the pronounced jaw movements expel excess air from your ears. Try to conjure a yawn or two to boost this remedy's effects.

Earwax Buildup

  • Ear Drops - The buildup and hardening of earwax can hurt the sensitive components of your inner ear. Soften earwax by putting several droplets of medicated ear drops into the affected ear. The buildup will soften then break, eventually tumbling out of the ear after application.
  • Manual Extraction by Your Doctor - In some cases, the clumps of earwax have become too thick, nullifying the effect of ear drops. Pay your doctor a visit and have him or her look at your ear. He or she will, then, use a specialized lubricant and medical tweezers to extract the hard clumps out.

Mucus Buildup

  • Decongestant - The excessive buildup of mucus is a common cause of earaches. In order to remove the green goo from your sinuses, you have to cough and blow your nose with intensity, which irritate the inner ear. Keep yourself from aggravating earache any further by taking a decongestant. Its active ingredient limits the body's production of mucus, in effect, stopping earache and the forceful expulsion of mucus. 
  • Nasal Spray - Nasal spray, upon application, stops the production of mucus. The earache will, then, be kept from being aggravated. Just deal with the pain by taking ibuprofen.

All the Other Causes

  • Garlic Oil - Garlic has antibacterial and pain-relieving properties which can do wonders against ear ache. Squeeze the juice from several cloves and pour it in a medicine dropper. Drop two to three droplets into your ear. Moments later, the earache should have faded or at least tapered down.
  • Onion Extract - The onion has loads of alternative uses, with the treatment of earaches being one of them. Cook one onion until it softens. Take its extract and pour it in a medical dropper. Apply a few droplets into your ear then let them settle on the infection. Minutes later, you should feel some relief.
  • Ibuprofen - Ibuprofen works on all types of earaches, regardless of the causes. If you feel much discomfort from the aching, pop in a tablet. In a few minutes, the pain will subside as well as the ear inflammation. It works best when taken along with other remedies.
  • Hot Compress - Heat works well against all sorts of pains and earache isn't an exception. Dip a clean cloth in hot water then wrap it around the affected ear. Its temperature will, soon, soothe the pain.
  • Baby Oil/Olive Oil - If hot compress fails to work, you may need a more direct approach. Heat some baby oil or olive oil until it becomes as hot as your body temperature. Pour the oil in a dropper then apply several droplets in the affected ear.

For Severe Cases

  • The Doctor's Checkup - Earaches that persist for several hours should be rushed to your physician. The doctor can check your inner ear and determine the gravity of the infection. He or she will then administer and/or prescribe the proper medicine.
  • Take Antibiotics - For severe ear infection, which is often signalled by the discharge of pus, you should take an antibiotic prescribed by your doctor. The drug attacks the infection and handles whatever's causing your earache. It should promote quick recovery.
  • Surgery - Surgery is reserved for the severest cases. The doctor inserts tubes on the affected ear to drain water and pus. Powerful medicine is then administered to stop the infection.

Your Perennial Best Option

The remedies presented are known to be effective and are used by numerous households worldwide. However, if you're unsure about trying any of them, just proceed to your doctor's office. Your physician will always be the best form of treatment for any ailment or disease.

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