
Best Ways To Get Rid Of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome is the condition in which the contents of the small intestine spill into the bloodstream, which may lead to various diseases. The small intestine contains waste, toxins, and other materials unneeded by the body. When they mix with the blood, the other organs can get contaminated, hindering their performance. The liver, as a result, will get overworked, as it tries to get rid of the waste products, which causes further complications. Such a condition must be treated at its early stages, otherwise it might develop into something more serious.


Leaky gut syndrome is caused by a plethora of factors, including poor diet, infections, the presence of bacteria, and taking antibiotics in large dosages. Doing or having one of the causes doesn't automatically mean that you will get the condition. To be sure, better take note of the symptoms.

  • Allergies - A rash may develop, given the effects of toxins on the skin. If the condition goes untreated, the breakout will worsen. More toxins will spill into bloodstream, causing the rash to spread.
  • Poor Memory - The bacteria expelled by the intestines contains chemicals that may impair the brain's functions temporarily. Some strains carry ammonia, which blocks out a portion of the brain's signals. As a result, the sufferer incurs memory loss.
  • Bloating of the Abdomen - The waste products can be pushed back to the stomach, causing it to expand. Many of them carry unneeded gases that fill the abdomen, which in turn, expels them whenever possible. Sufferers of leaky gut syndrome often complain of stomachaches and flatulence, as a result of the waste spillage.
  • Diarrhea and Constipation - The waste passed through the colon and the small intestine may decompose. The breaking down of waste products produces gases that can irritate the surrounding organs. It also attracts bacteria, which makes the diarrhea or constipation even worse.

Aside from the four main symptoms, other conditions like headaches, fatigue, anxiety and poor concentration are connected with leaky gut syndrome. If you experience a combination of the symptoms, you can apply the treatments for the disease.


The body has many defenses for the waste products, so the effects of the condition don't appear outright. The liver, gall bladder, spleen and the body's immune system work hand-in-hand to control leaky gut syndrome, which buys you more than enough time to apply the treatments. The remedies are concentrated on repairing the small intestine, since the body can expel the foreign objects on its own.

  • Two Cloves of Garlic Daily - The candida organism and other parasites weaken the small intestine, making it quite permeable. Garlic, with its cleansing properties, boosts your immune system and harms the parasites. Consume at least two cloves daily, so you can do away with your small intestine's unwelcome visitors.
  • Lactobacilus, Bifidus and Acidophilus Supplements - The intestinal tract is not only a means for breaking down food, it is also a battleground for good and bad bacteria. Bad bacteria, led by E-Coli, causes harmful diseases when they reach the bloodstream. Good bacteria, on the other hand, reduce toxins and protect the intestinal tract. If you take a good amount of lactobacilus, bifidus, and acidophilus, which are strains of good bacteria, your small intestine will heal quickly. They can also neutralize bad bacteria and the parasites causing the discomforting condition.
  • Bowel Cleansing - Bowel cleansing is a means of detoxifying the intestinal tract. A multitude of bowel cleansing fibers are available on the market, which perform the detoxification. For leaky gut syndrome, psyllium seed and husk as well as citrus pectin are preferred by many. The former is known for expelling huge amounts of toxins while the latter is effective in nourishing and repairing the damaged portions of the small intestine.
  • Reduce Starch and Sugar in your Meals - Starch and sugar are the primary forms of nourishment for bacteria and other parasites. If you reduce or remove them from your diet, the unwanted microbes will significantly weaken. As a result, they can easily be repulsed the other treatments for leaky gut syndrome and the body's immune system.
  • Flaxseed Oil - Flaxseed oil is a miracle worker when it comes to promoting good health. One of its many benefits is, it cleanses the digestive system and improves intestinal function. Take the prescribed amount daily to get rid of leaky gut syndrome.
  • Digestive Enzyme Supplements - Digestive enzymes are responsible for completely breaking down food and repulsing toxins and bacteria. If you boost the ones found on your intestinal tract, recovering from leaky gut syndrome will quicken. Tons of supplements are available on the market, so just research online on which product generates the best results.
  • Consult your Doctor - As you can see, many treatments are available for leaky gut syndrome, some of them work better than others depending on the patient's case. Your doctor can pick out the best treatments for you, and even administer some of them. Upon examining your condition, he or she will diagnose the causes en route to the most effective treatments.

With the number of treatments for leaky gut syndrome, you have little to worry about the condition. Just work with a combination of the remedies and you'll make a full-recovery in no time. Consult your doctor if your condition doesn't improve soon.

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