
Best Ways To Get Rid Of Loose Skin

Rapid weight loss is not the only reason for loose skin. If you're one of the many people who are troubled with ugly, sagging skin, don't fret. You can get rid of loose skin even without surgery. Here are some things you should know about loose skin and how to get rid of it.


A change in body composition results to loose skin. Rapid weight loss programs and crash diets may eliminate those extra pounds, but it greatly affects the composition of your body leading to loose skin. Rapid weight loss programs strip off nutrients that you need to keep your body toned. When you go on a crash diet, you don't only get rid of fats, you also get rid of muscles. This is what makes your skin sag. You lose more muscles than fat.
Pregnancy and aging also play a hand on the occurrence of loose skin. Our skin loses its elasticity as we aged. When a woman's belly is stretched during pregnancy, she might find it hard to tighten her skin around her abdomen.
Losing a great amount of fat after having been overweight for a very long time may also result to loose skin. Since your skin has been stretched for so long, it might take some time before it tightens back to normal again.

What You Can Do

Have a Healthy Diet

Apart from exercising, you have to make sure to get the right amount of nutrients everyday. Proteins and calories help build muscles. It's very important to have the right ratio of the calories you take and the calories you burn everyday. You have to prevent losing too much lean body mass and build muscle to replace the lost body fat. There's nothing wrong with having protein and calorie in your diet for as long as they're in the right amount.

Build Muscles

Your skin needs time to bounce back to its original form. Rapid weight loss programs don't allow your skin enough time to do that so you end up with loose skin. The most effective way to get rid of loose skin is to exercise properly. Most people are under the presumption that weight training is the only way to build muscles. That's not true at all. Cardio and aerobic exercises also build muscles. It's better to have a total body work out than concentrate on one area of your body like your abdomen. Alternate your fat burning routines with toning exercises. This will give you a complete work out for a perfectly toned body. Examples of fat burning exercises are running, swimming and sports like basketball. Squats, sit ups and bicep curls are some of the different toning routines you can follow.
Challenge our body every time you work out. Don't let yourself get used to your exercises. You need to continually make your muscles grow. To do that, you always have to increase your exercise levels. Try lifting a weight of 3-5 lbs for a week or two and then shift up to 10 lbs. You may also try to start with a 15 minute cardio work out and then change it to 30 minutes after a couple of weeks. The important thing in building muscle is that you don't get used to your work out routine. This way, your muscles will continue to grow and be toned.

Nourish Your Skin

Another way you can do to get rid of loose skin is by keeping your skin healthy. Free your skin of harmful substances. Water is also essential. Don't forget to keep your body well hydrated. This will prevent your muscles from going limp. Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells. This will also help tighten you skin. Have a warm bath as often as you can. Warm water will open up your pores, releasing toxins and improving your skin tone. Herbs like aloe vera extract also improves your skin's elasticity.
There are numerous ways to get rid of loose skin naturally. Cosmetic surgery is not the immediate answer for this. If you're still unsure of what to do, consult a doctor to find out other alternatives. Keep in mind that there is no fast way to a better you.

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