
Best Ways To Get Rid Of Postpartum Depression

When you were pregnant you may have gained a little more weight than anticipated. You could have two helpings of cake right? You were eating for two, after all. Or, maybe those cravings just got the best of you. Darn ice cream and gummy bears just calling your name. Now that you are no longer pregnant (congratulations!) you are looking to shed some of those extra pounds you gained and get back to what your body looked like pre-baby.
Rest assured, you are not alone in this endeavour and it is doable, read on for further tips on getting rid of postpartum weight.

1. Diet.

When we talk about diet we don’t mean eat only celery or starve yourself on 200 calories a day, we mean watch what you are eating. A balanced diet eating healthy foods from all four food groups is one of the best way to shed the post-baby pounds.
Eat the rainbow: try and eat colourful fruits and veggies and make sure there is a variety in your diet. Pre-prepare food when possible as life with a baby (or 2 or 3 or more) can be a juggling act. We all admit it’s easier to throw a frozen pizza in the oven than it is to prepare a stir fry, but with a little preplanning and pre-preparation, you can be eating healthy foods in no time.
No diet segment would be complete without making sure that you get at least your eight glasses of water a day – flush out your body, flush off the pounds.

2. Breastfeed.

If possible, breastfeed your child as this is a calorie burner. You won’t burn a ton of calories, so there is no need to pig out in the name of breastfeeding.
When breastfeeding you will likely be hungrier than usual, that is normal. Try and eat healthy snacks and meals, and look for foods that are filling yet nutritious. Foods that are high in protein are good for this. Think of reaching for a handful of almonds, a Greek yogurt, or some crackers and cheese to help you feel full and satisfied.

3. Exercise.

Ok so you just laughed out loud because you thought you could never find time to go to the gym when you are exhausted from being up all night because you were toting a baby around with me 24/7. And those who thought that, you are totally right. Nobody said this was going to be easy.
A workout doesn’t have to mean you go to the gym and sweat profusely for 45 minutes. When you become a mom, your workout routine may change. Try going to a mommy and me yoga class. Even just getting your little one in their stroller (or carrier) and going out for a walk is a good way to stay active.
For some it can be a break to go out for a short 20 minute jog while your spouse cares for your child. Staying active can mean staying connected with your friends too. Go with your friends to Zumba class, or when you plan a night out go bowling instead of watching a movie.

4. Embrace your figure.

So your tummy isn’t as firm as it once was, so your breasts are a little saggier than they were before (or maybe way huger if you’re still breastfeeding), so you have stretch marks. You are beautiful. These may not be the body image ideas the media is throwing at you but, let’s say it again, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
Your body housed a baby for ten months (that’s right 40 weeks, give or take, is ten months not nine) and that in itself is a miracle to be very proud of. So feel good in your body and realize that a healthy you may look a little different now than before you had kids.

5. Get help.

For some people, losing weight is easier when done with a friend. Make sure whoever you choose to do this with (a friend, a colleague, your spouse) knows that it’s not a competition. Their job as your partner in this is to be a cheerleader and an encourager, helping you on both the ups and the downs of this journey.
Even if you fall off the bandwagon and eat a while box of Oreos there is still hope. If you are unsure about anything to do with your body one of the best people to ask is your physician. Be sure to seek medical advice, be it from a doctor or a dietician, before attempting any form of weight loss, especially when breastfeeding. This article is not intended to be a substitute for sound medical advice.

6. What to avoid.

Some women are so desperate to lose the baby weight that they take extreme measures which aren’t advisable.
You should always avoid binge dieting: going on an extreme diet may shed pounds in the short term, but diets that are very strict are usually hard to sustain. Instead, change your eating habits to healthier ones, that include treats from time to time, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it in the long term.
You should also avoid quick fixes. Sure, there are plenty of programs out there that advertise ‘get slim quick.’ These methods of rapid weight loss aren’t usually very healthy (even if they do suggest that they use ‘super foods’ or other buzzwords) and can be very expensive. It is always better to get your nutrition from whole foods than supplements.
Getting rid of postpartum weight is going to take time, energy, and perseverance, so be prepared for the journey that lies ahead of you. Even if you don’t shed the pounds immediately, you will be healthier by eating right and staying active. Most of all, know that you can do it. You grew and carried a baby inside you, but that doesn’t mean you have to look like it. Keep on being positive and making healthy choices and, most importantly, enjoy that baby of yours, and you can certainly get rid of your postpartum weight. Being a mom is one of life’s great joys, always remember that!

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