
Best Ways To Get Rid Of Rickets

If you’re as uninformed as some of us, the only way you might have heard about rickets is through ‘rickety cricket’ on Always Sunny in Philadelphia. During our tender prenatal age of development, we are vulnerable to many forms of diseases and disorders if we don’t get the proper nutrition. Among the list of potential problems are rickets. Recognizing rickets in an infant is very important since they may not be able to communicate the problem to you yet. If they meet the criteria for several of the possible symptoms, take them to your doctor for a check-up. Read on to find out more information about these symptoms, and learn how to get rid of rickets in your life, or the life of a loved one.

1. Bone pain.

Some of the classic symptoms of rickets are listed below. The main areas you will feel pain because of rickets are in the arms, legs, pelvis, and spine. These are the areas that grow the most in the initial stages, so it’s important to make sure everything is growing properly.
Since many infants won’t be able to communicate this, try testing for which area of their body is pain sensitive if they are persisting with crying.

2. Impaired growth.

The structure of the body is determined largely by your bone shape and size. If you are noticing a slow growth or uneven growth, rickets might be the problem. Some children just grow slower than others, but it can never hurt to be too safe. Check in with your doctor if you have any concerns about your child’s growth progress.

3. Irregular teeth or slow teeth formation.

Some of the strongest bones in our body are our teeth. Your teeth need a large amount of calcium and vitamin D to grow properly, so abnormalities in teeth growth might be the sign of a bigger problem.
If you fear that rickets is the issue, the doctor will administer several blood tests and x-rays to determine if it is the root problem.

4. Skeletal structure issues.

If you notice any irregularities in growth, you may want to consider some of the treatments for rickets. Some things to keep an eye out for are: protruding bumps in the ribcage, skull shape, curved spine, out of place breastbone, and bowlegs.
Since this is a nutritional disorder, it is usual very solvable if the proper nutrients are available. However, impoverished areas may run into problems with rickets if they don’t have access to the same essentials most North Americans have.

5. Vitamin D.

There are many ways to get the kinds of foods and minerals you need to avoid rickets. Take a look at what you need to prevent rickets from ever happening.
A solid place to start is with Vitamin D. There are several fairly easy ways to obtain vitamin D in today’s market. There are many easily accessible foods you can eat, including foods like fish, milk, or eggs which all have high amounts of this vitamin. You can also buy many different kinds of vitamin D supplements at your local pharmacy that will often give you more than the required daily dose.
Another option is relying on sunlight for vitamin D. One thing to be cautious about is the shade of your skin. If you are a darker shade, your body will have a tougher time absorbing the necessary amount of vitamin D. If you are a lighter shade, you can get sunburnt very easily, which will only cause more problems. Try wearing sunscreen to avoid getting too much sun all at once.

6. Calcium.

This chemical element also happens to be one of the most important factors in our growth. It helps during the growth stages by creating a denser mineral concentration in the bone that makes us less susceptible to rickets.
Calcium is one of the most widely ingested nutrients in the world because it comes from so many common sources. Milk and several nuts like almonds or hazelnuts all have high concentrations, and are fairly easily found around the globe.

7. For severe cases.

If your child has developed bone abnormalities, you may have to resort to more extreme measures. Corrective surgeries can help to restructure the skeleton so that everything is back where it should be. Alternatively, if you catch the irregularity during the early stages, you can apply corrective braces that can help guide the body into a proper shape.
Are you still wondering what rickets really is? As we are in our most rapid stage of growth (6-24 months), our bones are growing at the highest rate they ever will and require the proper nutrients to expand.
Rickets is a nutritional disorder that is most common during our primary growth stages since it’s when we need the most fuel to help us grow. Some essentials we need during this stage are: calcium, vitamin D, and phosphate.
Rickets come in different severities depending on how deprived the body is of the mentioned essential growth nutrients. The worst-case scenario is that there will be skeletal deformities because the bones were not strong enough to support some of the other areas of the body. In other cases, you might see stunted growth or soft/weak bones.
For adults, the term used is osteromalacia. This results in softer bones in the adult skeleton which is accompanied by joint and muscle pain.

8. Do you have osteomalacia? 

Osteomalacia is essentially the same thing as rickets, but at a later onset. One of the primary differences between rickets and osteomalacia is that adults have had a lifetime of potentially harmful events to their body. Problems with the kidneys, stomach, small intestine, or liver can all cause issues with absorbing vitamin D or calcium, which is why we sometimes see this disorder in adults. There are also certain drugs that are used to prevent seizures, which can in turn produce osteomalacia.
Another type of genetic disorder called hereditary rickets acts on the body by preventing your kidneys from retaining phosphate. This can cause another whole strain of problems that we won’t dive into for this article.
If you didn’t already know how important it is to get your daily vitamins and nutrients, rickets is provides another reason. This is an easily preventable disorder for many people, so make sure you are getting the proper nutrition and keeping an eye out for any symptoms that may indicate rickets is the issue.

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