
Best Ways To Get Rid Of Tooth Pain

How to Get Rid of Tooth Pain As perhaps one of the most common and painful problems for your mouth, tooth pain can be a real bother. From light cases of pain to feelings of someone drilling a hole in your tooth, tooth pain is not usually a pleasant experience for anyone.
One of the tricky things about tooth pain is that there are a wide amount of possible causes. It could be improper brushing methods, or it could be a serious infection. The safest way to find out is to see the dentist and have them look at it for you.
However, if you’re the kind who absolutely detests going to the dentist, we provide several solutions to help deal with tooth pain and save you that dreaded trip.

1. Warm saltwater rinse.

In this case, salting the wound actually doesn’t make it worse (although if you were to use straight salt, it would).
To use this approach effectively, mix a teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water and then swish it in your mouth for 30 seconds or more. It’s going to leave an awful taste in your mouth, but it will help to clean your mouth and reduce the swelling caused by the tooth pain.

2. Pepper and salt.

As unpleasant as the warm saltwater rinse is, we’re going to suggest using another salt-based method to help.
To follow this method, put equal parts salt and pepper into a cup and add just enough water to make it into a paste. Once you have the mixture, apply it to the area experiencing pain and let it sit for a few minutes. Repeat this multiple times a day for the best results.

3. Wheatgrass Juice.

This is one of the best options here because wheatgrass juice also happens to be a nutritious and healthy product. Wheatgrass has several natural antibiotic properties, so swishing it around the damaged area can help to absorb some of the toxins causing the pain.
Since it’s absorbing the toxins, you won’t want to swallow this wheatgrass afterwards. Instead, make a bit extra to have as a healthy snack after you’ve rinsed your mouth so that you aren’t missing out on the wheatgrass-y goodness!

4. Ice Cubes.

This method won’t so much solve the problem indefinitely, but it will certainly help relieve some of the pain. Ice helps to numb the nerves where pain is experienced so that the pain receptors aren’t as active.
Apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth where you are experiencing the tooth pain. Keep it on there for a few minutes or until you feel your mouth going numb.

5. Onion.

Onions are a natural antiseptic that helps to fight bacteria in your mouth. By killing off the invaders causing the infection, it can help provide pain relief and solve the problem.
While it may not have the best taste, the best way for it to work is to chew on raw onion for a minute or so. If the tooth problem is so serious that you cannot chew, take a large slice of the onion and let it sit of the targeted area for several minutes.

6. Peppermint Tea.

This is probably one of the better tasting options on the list, but unfortunately it doesn’t actually have you drink the tea. Peppermint tea has some numbing properties to it, after it has cooled from a boiling point swish it around in your mouth for a short period of time.

7. Liquor.

For you partiers out there, hard alcohol can be used to relieve some of the pain from a toothache. Drinking too much of it will only make you forget about the pain (and possibly everything else), so instead, take a cotton swab and soak it in a hard liquor. Once it has soaked, apply it to the area experiencing the pain and hold it there.
Alcohol acts like a disinfectant, so like any anti-bacterial it’s going to sting a little as it clears out the viruses giving you pain.

8. Brush Lightly.

Brushing too hard on your gums can actually wear away the tissue and cause more damage. Make sure you are using a light brushing motion, and if necessary, use ‘sensitive teeth’ toothpaste.

9. Hydrogen Peroxide.

A mild concentration of hydrogen peroxide is a good way to help deal with the pain and kill bacteria. Dilute the solution with some warm water and then rinse in your mouth for 30-60 seconds. Be careful not to swallow this solution, as it can be toxic if mixed in too high of a concentration.

10. See the Dentist.

Hopefully you’re seeing the dentist at least once a year, but if you haven’t then now might be the time. Your dentist will know better than your doctor why you might be having these problems, so booking a routine check-up with them can be very informative.

11. Painkillers.

For extreme cases of tooth pain, your doctor may prescribe you some painkillers. These are only temporary solutions to the pain and will not solve the overall problem, of course.
Even if a doctor offers painkillers, they may be something you want to turn down. As a member of the opiate drug family, they can be seriously addictive and damaging to your overall health. Use these as a last resort in the scenario that you just can’t handle the pain anymore. Over-the-counter items like acetaminophen or ibuprofen will provide mild pain relief and without the addictive properties.
Even if you feel the tooth pain go away, it’s worthwhile to go check with your dentist. If you’ve gotten a cavity or infection, it could easily turn into a much more serious problem. Once you’ve managed to conquer your tooth problem, you’ll be able to sleep soundly without the pain once again.

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