
Best Ways To Get Rid of Low Energy

Everyone likes feeling well rested and rejuvenated. When you feel this way you are happier, more productive, and you are better able to handle what life brings your way. Being tired and lacking energy is not fun, you feel like you can’t do the things you want to do or aren’t fully present for them. Getting rid of low energy and restoring your normally high energy levels is possible in many ways, so read on for our tips and tricks.

1. Watch what you eat.

Calories are fuel to the body as gas is fuel to a car. You need enough calories for energy for the day. It’s not to say that you need to start counting calories but be sure to eat enough to get your energy up.
On the flip side, overeating can cause you to feel low energy so find the happy balance. Not all calories are created equal. When choosing what to eat, try and eat a rainbow of healthy foods to bring up your energy. Eating highly processed foods that are high in salt, fat and sugar can give you a burst of energy but that will die off quickly leaving you with less energy than before.
Trying to eat protein and complex carbohydrates will help to keep you fuller longer and give you more energy. Some good energy foods include: Kiwi, coconut and raw almonds.

2. Get hydrated.

Do you have all the right foods in your diet, but you are still feeling low energy? One of the effects of dehydration can be lack of energy. So be sure to up your water intake and remember many other fluids (and foods) can help you stay hydrated, like hot water with lemon or celery

3. Get the right vitamins.

Now that you’re eating for energy, be sure that your body is getting all the right vitamins and nutrients. It’s best to get vitamins from whole foods when possible, but if you find your diet is lacking in certain areas speak to a health care professional to get advice on what vitamins you need more of.
Some vitamins to check out or look for include Rhodiola and Tyrosine. Don’t be sucked into too many gimmicks and supplements. There are some supplement and energy boosting schemes out there that are really about other people making money and not about your health or best interest – just try to remember that if it really was a miracle cure a) everyone would be using it and b) your doctor would have recommended it to you.

4. Get enough sleep.

In our fast paced society, sleep is often something that gets pushed to the back burner. But when it’s your energy at stake, you need to take time to have enough sleep. The rule of thumb is to try and get 8 hours of sleep a night.
The more consistent you can be with your schedule the better. While this can be difficult for people doing shift work, trying to get all your 8 hours in is very important.
There are ways to help track your sleep, such as the fitbit. Try to be relaxed before hitting the hay – take a bath, drink a cup of herbal tea, try and not do screens in the hour before you go to bed. Also if your energy is so low you feel like you’re gonna fall apart – take a nap. About 40 mins is usually good as that is the length of a normal sleep cycle.

5. Get some exercise.

This may seem backwards: “If I don’t have any energy how can I exercise?” Although getting the oomph to exercise can be difficult once you are exercising, after you exercise you should feel a rise in your energy level. Physical activity releases endorphins that reduce stress and have been shown to increase happiness.
When you increase physical activity you will also have to alter your diet to suit the needs of your increased calorie output. Consulting with a physical trainer can help you decide which forms of exercise will be best suited to your needs.

6. Mind over matter.

Think outside the box: Once you’ve dealt with your physical body and looked at things to change consider some alternative methods to help improve your energy.
When we talk to ourselves negatively (i.e. ‘oh I just have low energy’ or ‘nothing I do will help me’) it can actually have an effect on how our body functions. Try and use declarations and positive thinking to help bring up your energy levels (i.e. ‘I wake up refreshed’ or ‘I am full of energy’).
Meditation is a good time to focus your mind and relax yourself. This can be a good time to think about yourself with lots of energy or a good time to relax yourself before sleep so you get enough sleep and feel well rested.
Deep breathing exercises can help improve oxygen flow to the brain which can in turn help you to feel more alert and improve energy.
Acupuncture can also have the benefit of improving energy levels. Be sure to consult your registered acupuncturist for more information and to see if this can indeed help you.

7. Consult your physician.

If your low energy persists, be sure to see a doctor as it can be a sign of other medical conditions. The recommendations in this article are not intended to replace sound medical advice. As with anything health related please consult your doctor if you are unsure about how you are feeling.

8. Steps to avoid.

Although it can be very tempting to reach for that energy drink or energy shot realize that the effects will be temporary and the negative side effects can outweigh the temporary kick of energy.
Caffeine is so tempting as a pick me up when your energy is running low, be it your morning cup of coffee or tea or that chocolate bar staring at you through the vending machine. Caffeine is also addictive and can be easy to fall into the habit of ‘needing’ this substance, so when possible, use natural methods when trying to increase your energy.
Some other reasons low energy occurs can be stress or seasonal affective disorder, so getting to the root of the problem and solving it can also be a real energy booster. So eat healthy, exercise, get enough sleep and drink plenty of water. Does this sound like a visit to your doctor? Perhaps, but the advice is good. Don’t let getting rid of low energy be an overwhelming task – try one or two things at a time to see what works best for you. Good luck, and enjoy your newfound energy!

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