
Best Ways To Get Rid of Male Sexual Dysfunction

Some people say that the true measure of a man is his performance in the bedroom. While this is of course an overstatement, there is often a lot of priority placed on sexual performance. There once was a time when sexual problems or anything topics related to sex were not discussed openly. The sexual revolution in the 1960’s and 1970’s has brought on a change that has made willing to discuss sex. In recent years, this dialog has begun to include sexual dysfunction. In particular, male sexual dysfunction is such an open topic that is appears in prime time television advertising. Manufacturers of drugs that treat some of these problems have become household words.
Men are said to have sexual dysfunction when they can no longer gain sexual satisfaction by performing a sexual act. The field of psychology has identified that a satisfying sex life is an important contributor to quality of life. Any problem a man has that affects his level of satisfaction or that of his partner is called male sexual dysfunction. It is important to treat, not only because it affects sexual satisfaction, but also because it affects a man’s ego and mental health. Fortunately, many forms of male sexual dysfunction are not permanent. Follow these suggestions to learn more!

1. Determine the cause.

Before any effective treatment methods can truly begin, you need to figure out the true cause of the sexual dysfunction in the first place. Sexual dysfunction in males is much more common than you might think, with up to 31% of men experiencing some difficulties in this area. There are physical and psychological causes that affect sexual desire or function.
There are many different forms of male sexual dysfunction, but the three main disorders are as follows: sexual desire or reduced libido, erectile dysfunction also called impotence, and ejaculation disorders.
Reduced libido, or lack of interest in sexual activity, can be caused by low testosterone. This is a problem that can be diagnosed by a physician through the use of blood tests. One of the treatments is to simply to receive testosterone injections to increase blood levels. Reduced libido can also be caused by psychological problems such as stress and anxiety. Some illnesses such as high blood pressure are associated with decreased sexual desire. Also, taking certain medications can cause this problem. Getting rid of those medications, or finding new medications altogether can help get rid of male sexual dysfunction.
Ejaculation disorders include premature ejaculation and “inorgasmia,” or the inability to ejaculate. These problems have solutions in medication. In all cases, seek out the help of your physician to determine the underlying cause.
Impotence is the inability for a man to maintain an erection, and is also called erectile dysfunction. Once again, stress, anxiety or depression can contribute to this. In some cases it is purely a physical problem resulting from an injury to the penis. Diseases affecting blood flow can be a large contributor to this problem. Nowadays, the drugs designed to cure erectile dysfunction are widely used and reported to be very effective.

2. See the doctor.

Once you have an idea of what the problem might be, your next logical step is to see the doctor. You can only do so much with self-diagnosis, so find a doctor who can perform the necessary tests required. The doctor will likely start with your existing medical history, so be sure to bring an updated version of this along to your check up appointment.
Common tests that doctors perform to arrive at a diagnosis usually start with a blood test. Remember that doctors often determine that low levels of testosterone cause decreased libido, and they use a blood test to arrive at this conclusion.
They might also try a vascular assessment to determine the amount of blood flow in the penis, sensory testing to measure the impact of different nerve impulses in your body, or they might conduct a nocturnal penile tumescence rigidity test. That last test is just a long-winded way of saying that they are testing your penis to see if you ‘get it up’ while you are asleep. This helps them determine whether physical or psychological factors are the root cause of the problem you are experiencing.
Your family doctor can only do so much for you, of course, so you might be recommended to a specialist like a urologist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist, or even a sex therapist or counsellor. Each case of male sexual dysfunction is different, so different treatments are naturally required. Starting with your family doctor can help you determine what the next logical step should be.

3. Use sexual enhancing drugs.

Once you have a diagnosis from your doctor, you will know how to proceed to the next stage. The underlying problem might be that your body is no longer capable of producing an erection naturally. Luckily for you, there is a solution for this common concern!
There are several pills out there that can help you get the rise you are looking for. Generally speaking, these pills work by pumping blood into your penis that it requires to stay hard and erect. Viagra is likely the most famous example of these types of drugs. Don’t forget your little blue pill if this is the solution for you!

4. Use mechanical aids.

If you don’t like the idea of drugs, or want a more permanent solution, consider using mechanical aids to boost your sexual performance. There are a series of vacuum devices available on the market that work as a sort of ‘penis pump.’ With manual stimulation, you can quickly produce the erection you are looking for.
You can also try getting penile implants that will perform a similar function for you.

5. Try psychotherapy.

If your doctors determined that your problem is psychological in nature, you might need to try psychological therapy to get you through whatever is holding back your normal sexual performance. Therapists can help you overcome any sexual anxiety or sexual tension you are experiencing so that can get back to normal before you know it!
A major component of human health, from both a physical and mental perspective, is a satisfying sex life. If problems arise that interrupt this sexual behavior, communication is essential. Talk with your partner, your doctor, and potentially a therapist to overcome whatever issues you are battling. Silence is not the cure, so talk it out to discover what is wrong. Follow the steps mentioned above to help you get rid of male dysfunction in your life, or in the life of someone you know and care about. Don’t let this problem slow your life down. Take action to get yourself back to the way you always were!

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