Unless you’re looking to become the newest ‘bearded lady’ at the local carnival, this has probably been a problem for most of you ladies out there. Excessive hair sometimes sprouts up in the places we want it least, showing up in random places on the face and on the body. It can be difficult to get rid of these hairs, but there are several temporary and permanent solutions you can employ.
Medically speaking, unwanted hair on the body or face of women is called hirsutism. It’s a very common problem by today’s standards, as excessive hair on the face or body of women can be frowned upon and unappealing.
First of all, if you happen to have excessive hair growth on your head: then cut it. There are many cancer foundations around the globe that will accept hair donations for cancer patients, so check online to see if your hair is long enough to qualify.
In this article, we offer several methods of dealing with unwanted hair and how to prevent future growth.
1. A close shave.
Likely the most common method of hair removal, shaving is a fairly simple and cheap process. The only problem with it is it only removes the hair to a skin level and doesn’t deal with the roots. This means the shaved hair will grow back fairly quickly, so the process will need to be done regularly.
Before shaving, warm the targeted areas with water before doing so. The added moisture and heat will soften the skin, making you less likely to cut yourself. You can also apply shaving creams and oils to the targeted areas for a smoother finish and a more comfortable shave.
2. Wax on, wax off.
Unfortunately, Mr. Miyagi only teaches karate, he cannot help you get rid of your excessive hair. Hot wax treatments do a good job of removing the deep hair roots, but can often be a fairly painful procedure. Professionals will likely do a better job, but if you’re bent on doing it yourself, here’s how to do it.
Start by applying a good amount of baby powder to the targeted area so you don’t get burnt. Coat the hairy area in a thin layer hot wax and then cover the area with the material strips provided. Rip the strip off in the opposite direction the hair is growing and brace for pain. Once finished, apply water or lotion to the area to reduce the irritation.
3. Lasers – Pew’ Pew’!
Laser hair removal treatments have become more popular in North America over the past decade. While they are slightly more expensive of a treatment, it usually produces satisfactory results.
The way the operation works is by selectively targeting hair roots while leaving the surrounding skin alone. For this to work as a permanent hair removal solution, the procedure sometimes needs to be repeated up to 7 times. If you’re going to go through with this operation, get ready for a dent in your wallet.
4. “Plucker” up.
Using tweezers is a very time consuming but effective method of getting rid of unwanted hairs. If done properly, the process should be fairly painless.
Take a pair of tweezers and firmly grasp the hair as close to the root as possible without touching the skin. A quick yanking method will remove the hair and the deep root embedded, so it won’t grow back as fast as it would if you had just shaved.
5. Zap your hairs.
There is a procedure you can use called electrolysis that targets hair follicles with heat or chemicals. Advertised as a permanent solution, it can be a good way to say goodbye for good to hair in unwanted areas. This is probably the most time-consuming way of dealing with hair on this list, so buckle down if you think this is for you.
Only done by professionals, this procedure targets individual hair follicles at a time, often needing multiple sessions a week. Depending on how large the area you want to remove hair from is, electrolysis can take a year or more to finish the entire operation.
6. Hair depilatories.
Hair depilatories are over-the-counter chemicals you can buy from the pharmacy that work by removing hair from the skin. It is a simple and pain-free process, which is probably why it is so common. There is a wide array of depilatory qualities, and you usually end up getting what you pay for. Depending on the quality, the hair removed by the chemical might grow back after a few days.
For this method, simply take a moderate amount of the cream and apply to the area you wish to have the hair removed from. This can often be an expensive way of dealing with hair growth if you buy the higher-end products, so try considering other hair-removal methods first if it will save some cash.
7. Eat good food.
Since it’s such a biological process, there is no definitive way of stopping your hair from growing in certain places. However, there are several possible solutions you can try. Follow these methods to see what might work for you!
Natural insulation is a great way to stay warm. Having a moderate amount of fat or a good amount of muscle helps your body regulate your internal temperatures. If you are too skinny or don’t have enough fat, your body will try to compensate by growing more hair to keep the body warm.
That being said, don’t take eating food as an excuse to go on an all-cheeseburger diet. That’s only going to give you a whole pile other health problems.
8. Soy products.
Soy products have actually shown to reduce hair growth by increasing the amount of estrogen production in the body. Amongst other things, estrogen counters hair production in places that aren’t on top of the head, so adding additional soy products to your diet can help with this problem. For a boost in soy, try consuming items like tofu, soy milk, and soy nuts.
Going for that smooth-skin look can be a demanding and time-consuming process, but the shine your body puts off after can be very rewarding. Now that you’ve gotten rid of that excess hair, the mountain yetis might be less likely to mistake you for one of their own.
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