
Best Ways To Get Rid of Fat Calves

A nerdy guy seated next to you in class tells you this: “You have such a fatty pair of gastroc-soleus!”
You brush his statement aside because you think he is just showing off his knowledge on scientific terms but he is in fact talking about your unattractive calves. Your calves or your “gastrocnemius and soleus” are no longer proportional to your legs. What good does a pair of smooth legs have if your calves are fat?
It is but natural for your body to store fats in your thighs, butt, back, triceps and of course, calves. Should you want to get rid of the excessive fats on your calves, read these tips.
No Sweat, No Gain
Cardio Sessions – These exercises will help your body burn a lot of fat. Exercising is needed to lose weight so don’t starve yourself just to reduce body fat.
The stepper is an outstanding option to lose thigh fat because it targets your butt muscles the most. Since your gluteus maximus is the largest muscle group, the stepper can burn more calories than cardio machines.
An elliptical trainer can also help your cause too. It is best used in a reverse manner. With this, the machine becomes a more effective tool in helping you achieve your goal. Forward and backward movements are important parts of cardio activities and most elliptical trainers these days.
Spot Reduction is a Myth — Spot reduction does not exist. You can’t exclusively exercise your calves to get rid of fat only on that area. Engage in a weight loss program and do the most out of working out by doing weight training and cardio activities. Exercising hard and overeating do not go together so observe the right diet. .
Set realistic goals by measuring your current body fat and size and then aiming at losing one pound of body fat in seven days. Expect that if your body fat is reduced, so will the fat in your calves.
Starters’ Haven — If you’re just starting to work out, it’s fine to have a heart rate of 60 to 70 percent because training at a high intensity level during your first days will eat up your sugar and protein instead of fats. Your protein and sugar are energy sources so starting at a high intensity level may make you feel tired and stressed. After three months of exercising regularly, you can go all out following a high intensity exercise level routine.
Lower Body as Top Priority – If you want sculpted legs and calves, you should work on your lower body. Your lower body has the largest muscle groups. You can work out on your lower body by running because this activity helps burn calories. It is also effective in helping you develop strength and endurance on your calves. The good news is that you can burn calories while resting since after doing such an activity, your metabolic rate is increased.
Why Warming Up? — Before doing any kind of exercise, your body needs to be conditioned. You can do flexibility exercises and calisthenics. Warming up increases your muscle temperature, which your body needs in order to start any activity. If your calves are warmed up, they contract more forcefully. You will also find it easier to relax if you warm up before the exercise proper. Warming up also increases your speed and strength and reduces the risk of injuries.
Don’t forget to rest in between workouts too. While it is true that you involve your whole body in exercising, your calves do a lot of work than all the other muscles in your body. If your calves feel painful while doing any exercise, take a rest.
Cover All — Covering all the muscles in your legs under your weight training program is important in order to avoid muscular imbalance. What is next to muscular imbalance but muscular injury? To achieve a sculpted look of your calves, engage in an overall strengthening program. Work on your quadriceps with barbell squats and leg presses. Leg extension machines will make the activity more bearable. Do the hamstring curls and make sure that as you are doing this, you are lying on a leg curl machine. You can also sit on your machine while doing the hamstring curls. Point your toes downwards to fully engage your hamstrings.
Reducing fat on the outer areas of your thighs is done with an abductor machine. Don’t be too hard on yourself with this machine because going too heavy will not help at all. Perform squats while seating on an abductor machine. You can do this by holding a dumbbell, your feet pointed outwards, and your hands at the middle of the tool.
Calf Raises — Stand at the edge of the stairs or a platform (or anything that is elevated) and then tip toe from up to down. Calf raises give your calves a great stretch. Do this for 20 to 25 times.
You can also use a machine called a “leg press machine” by placing your ball of foot to toes on the platform’s edge. With this position, your heels are in mid air. Start the activity by extending your foot through pushing the platform. Keep pushing until your toes are higher than your heels. You will notice that your calves are contracting. Add resistance by placing more weight on the machine.
Observing Proper Diet – Without observing proper diet, you won’t see good results no matter how much time you spend in exercising. Getting rid of one pound of body fat requires you to burn 3,500 calories. That does not mean that you should not eat at all because depriving yourself of food is the same as losing all the energy you need to exercise. Hit your goals with a well-planned diet that goes perfectly with proper exercise.
Supplements for Losing Weight – Fat burners and natural weight loss supplements will help you reduce your caloric intake. Your metabolic rate is also raised in the process.
Show your calves to the world and follow these tips starting today!

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