
Best Ways To Get Rid of Fat Fingers

Got fat fingers? Don’t fret – by losing weight, your fingers, and even your thumbs and wrists, can become smaller too. But there are many other ways to get rid of those nasty fat finger of yours. These simple tips will point you in the right direction.

Finger-Licking Tips

Eat Less, Exercise More – Eating less food and exercising more is a sure way to lose fat. You may ask why you need to eat less and exercise more when you only need to reduce fat on your hands. Throw away your concept of spot reduction. Whether you want to reduce fat only on your fingers, belly, neck, thighs or arms, you have engage in exercise that involves your whole body.
Overall weight loss will shrink down your whole body fat, and your finger and wrist fat will be included as well. To lose body fat, reduce your calorie intake. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, take vitamin supplements to stay energetic and of course, stay away from fatty foods. Organic foods are recommended so you should avoid those with estrogenic substances like chemically-based fertilizers and petroleum, herbicides and pesticides in non-organic produce, and hormones that you can find in eggs, dairy, poultry and non-organic meats. Increase your water intake and make sure that you drink only the pure and filtered kind. Heating tap water is still dangerous. Don’t forget to engage in physical activities if you want to achieve faster results.
Hand Exercises – While working on your whole body, you can shift your focus to exercising your hands and wrists. Typing, for instance, will keep your hands moving and active. To do this correctly, take a typing test or download a typing tutor on the Internet. It may seem impossible, but yes, typing burns calories. In fact, if you type faster, you burn calories faster, too. Typing alone is certainly not the only way to lose hand fat. You have to make typing a part of your routine to burn hand fat faster.
Be careful of typing, though, as you may develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Do not put too much pressure on the joints of your wrists. Do some hand exercises if you start feeling tingling sensations or numbness.
Aside from typing, you can use a screwdriver or a door knob to exercise your wrist. Simply place a firm grip on a screwdriver or a door knob and turn it a couple of times. Continue turning them until your wrists grow tired but make sure not to overdo it.
Making a Fist – Your fist should be tightly squeezed before slowly releasing a finger. Repeat this for five to 10 times to make your hand muscles stronger. Another way to exercise your wrist is to do some wrist extensions. Do this with a barbell. First, you have to sit down, your thighs being the part where your forearms should rest. While your palms are faced downward, you should grip the barbell. Lower the barbell with your wrists to position your hands in a hanging manner. Lastly, bring the barbell back to its original position. Keep doing this exercise until you feel that your wrists are getting tired.
Don’t Start Without a Warm Up – Warming up is important to condition your hand for any strenuous activity. Rotate your hand a few times in a circular motion, and then another few times in the opposite direction. Another form of warming up is stretching your hand and wrist muscles. To do this, interlace your fingers, and then bring your arms toward you. Stretch your hands and wrists a bit more by pushing back your opposite hand as gently as possible, and then back to your thumb. Don’t push too hard since you might strain your hands accidentally.
Give your fingers and wrists proper rest, too, especially in between workouts. You have no idea how overused your hands are. Your hands do more work than the other parts of your body, so if you are starting to feel pain while exercising, it is a sign that you need to take a rest.
Three Crucial Minutes – Spare three short minutes of your morning for a small amount of activity, like 10 push-ups. If you can’t do push-ups, then try doing them on your knees. You can also do push-ups while on a wall while standing at an angle. If you still can’t do it, then spend your three minutes doing squats, crunches and jumping jacks. Do these exercises 10 times to complete one set. If 10 repetitions are still too difficult for you, then start at five. Continue working on five reps until this task becomes easier for you. Just try to be consisitent in developing your muscles and you’ll not only get rid of your fat fingers bit also fat from other parts of your body.
Row Your Boat – You can also rely on rowing, which can be a more enjoyable activity than going to the gym. By being active in rowing, you are killing three birds with just one stone because aside from getting rid of fat fingers, you are also working on your back muscles and biceps.
Before actively following these tips, you need to know first why your fingers are fat. If it is because of bone structure and extra fat, then work overtime to exercise. Sometimes, you can just blame the weather. Long walks in immense heat or coldness can cause your fingers to swell, making them extra fat.

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