
Best Ways To Get Rid of Laugh Lines

You want to look young but you can’t because of the lines all over your face. Laugh lines, deep wrinkles, frown lines – whatever you choose to call them – add numbers to your age. Laugh lines are caused by different factors, like your skin being exposed to the sun. If you find them embarrassing, don’t worry, because there are ways to eliminate them and make your face look smoother and younger once again.

Homemade Laugh Line Remedies

There are things that you can do at home to reduce lines on your face, like exfoliation, taking vitamins, eating fruits and using herbal treatments.
Exfoliate – Don’t let your skin be a graveyard of dead cells. Exfoliate before applying any lotion, cream or moisturizer on your face. You can use exfoliants, facial scrubs or peel-off facial masks. Exfoliate at least twice a week. When the skin is exfoliated, it absorbs more of the moisturizer, creating better hydration for your skin. Removing dead cells also makes your skin feel refreshed.
Vitamins – Use face creams or lotions that have alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). These work against skin-damaging oxygen molecules (free radicals) in your body. These also help collagen growth that fills in lines and eliminates dead cells on skin surface. AHAs usually cause irritations or allergic reactions, so make sure to try a small amount first, and wait to see if it causes any negative side effects before using the product. Be careful, because some people are highly allergic to anti-aging creams. If lotions and creams are too expensive, try soaking a cloth in milk and apply it on your skin. AHA is not only present in milk, but also in sugar cane and some fruits.
Vitamin A acid, also called Retin-A, Renova or Tretinoin, can also be considered. It is usually available through prescription and is believed to be a great treatment for lines and skin aging. When first used, it usually causes peeling and redness. But you can control the amount and frequency of application or reduce its concentration to reduce irritation.
Creams that contain Vitamin A, C, E and Beta-carotene can provide enough protection from sun’s exposure and prevent slight development of wrinkles.

Fruit and Herbal Treatments

  • You can try applying fresh aloe vera gel obtained from the leaf. Cut a leaf off the base, split it open and get the gel with a spoon. Try not to break the green peel, and then apply. Aloe vera contains malic acid that helps give you healthier skin.
  • Avocados provide moisture. They also contain Vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps protect your skin from the sun. Lightly mash the pulp, apply it on your face and wait for around 20 minutes before wiping it off.
  • Papaya does not only help you whiten your skin but also helps you reduce the appearance of lines on your face. It contains enzymes that almost peel off the outer layer of your skin. You can apply it just like the avocado facial. You can also mix dry oatmeal in it to help exfoliate the skin.
  • Another effective method is mixing a ripe banana and honey. Apply it on your face and then leave it on your skin for about 10 minutes. The mixture adds firmness to your skin so quickly, you can actually feel it. Movie stars also use this technique to perk their breasts by putting the mixture in their bras.

Cosmetics and Other Modern Methods

  • Chemical Peels – Trichloroacetic acid and salicylic acid can penetrate deep into the skin. Deeper peels have these ingredients that result in a better smoothing of lines, but remember, the deeper the peel, the greater the risk of having scarring. Skin color changes can be a side effect.
  • Microdermabrasion – Microdermabrasion is a method which makes use of an apparatus that contains aluminum and silica crystals to level the skin. This method is done for around five to seven sessions. There is also microdermabrasion that you can purchase to do at home. Remember, though, that there is no significant wrinkle treatment similar to the microdermabrasion done with an esthetician.
  • Dermabrasion – A more technical method is dermabrasion. This is a real surgical process where operation is performed with anesthesia. A rotating gadget is used in leveling the skin. Effects depend on the physician, especially his experience and skills in performing the treatment.
  • Lasers – Another modern technique is the use of lasers. Laser resurfacing is most like dermabrasion but with greater precision and consistency. When laser is passed several times on the skin, it stimulates natural production of collagen in the body.
  • Botox – You can also try plastic surgeries such as brow lifts and facelifts, or injection of Botox (botulinum toxin) to paralyze the muscles that produce unwanted face lines.
Modern techniques might be expensive but they also require a lot of time and medication in maintaining and sustaining the treated skin. They can also cause painful, uncomfortable or long lasting side effects. Still, as long as you strictly follow the physician’s pieces of advice, you can obtain the flawless skin you want.

Back to the Basics

There are a lot of things you can do to help yourself prevent and reduce lines on your face. Learn the basics because simple things go a long way in helping you get rid of laugh lines.
  • Diet – Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. These contain antioxidants and serve as natural moisturizers for your skin. You can eat them or use them externally. Also, drink a lot of water and avoid too much sugar. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are fatty acids that are necessary for healthier skin. Avoid excessive drinking or smoking, because these habits can dehydrate your body.
  • Protection – Use sunscreen, especially when going to the beach, where there can be excessive heat. Use sunglasses to protect your eyes and to prevent wrinkles around your eyes. Also, wear a hat or cap to protect your head from the sun. Excessive heat can dehydrate your skin, adding dryness and speeding up skin aging.
  • Avoid Stress and Depression – Find time to relax. Stress can add sagging skin. Also, smile truthfully and happily. Exercise regularly because this activity helps the circulation of blood. It rehydrates your whole body.
Do not skip this very basic tip: consult a dermatologist. Do not be afraid to ask questions, because they are in the position to give you the right answers. That, and all these other tactics, can help give you the flawless, line-free face you’ve always wanted.

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