
Best Ways To Get Rid of Nose Blackheads

When it comes to vanity and looking good, nothing gets as much press as the face. After all, everyone looks at it when they meet you. Unfortunately, this goes both ways; they will also see all the imperfections and blemishes that your facial skin will always get as it gets exposed to many elements. Chief among these are acne and blackheads. While the former is more serious than the latter, blackheads are still a source of stress and worry for those who want perfect skin. Those with fair or white complexion, in particular, are in for a tough time since blackheads will really pop out, being the insidious black gremlins that they are. Blackheads can be found in almost all exposed parts of the face, but they seem to be more prominent on the nose area.

Black is black

Medically, blackheads are known as open comedones, and they are a type of acne vulgaris. They differ from the often-confused whiteheads by the fact that blackheads are present on oily skin while whiteheads can be found on both oily and dry skin. Blackheads are the result of the accumulation of excess oils in the sebaceous glands’ ducts, clogging the pores, resulting in the familiar bump. The contents of this bump mostly consists of keratin and sebum. The clogging allows bacteria to completely take over the pore, making up a blackhead.
There are many reasons why a pore gets clogged, resulting in the formation of blackheads. Among them are the following:
  • Hormones that are the leading cause of oil production. The male hormone androgen, in particular, increases the production of oil in your skin. An increase in this hormone will also lead to the formation of blackheads.
  • Skin care products and make-up also contribute to the clogging up of your skin pores. It is important that you wash your face thoroughly at the end of the day in order to remove these applications and, likewise, remove the dead cells that accumulate on your skin daily.
  • Stress also increases the production of oil on the skin, which would explain why you get pimples more when you’re stressed and do not get enough sleep.

Getting rid of your nose blackheads

It should be noted that removing blackheads on the nose isn’t any different from removing blackheads on other parts of your face. As such, if you already know how to remove them on your cheek or somewhere else, then you shouldn’t have any problems. If you don’t, then here are some tips to help you get those ugly marks on your nose out.
  1. See a dermatologist. Before everything, you should try to have your nose blackheads removed by a professional. Sure, it may cost a little bit more than self-treatment at home but you can be assured that you (and your skin) will be in the best possible hands. At the very least, dermatologists will be able to tell you what products to use that won’t destroy your skin since everyone has different skin types.
  2. Soften the blackheads. You can do this through several ways. One is to take a warm shower so the steam will do the softening. You can also heat water in a pan until it boils, and then stand over the pan to allow the steam to cover your face. Once the blackheads are sufficiently softened, you can gently remove them using pore strips or any blackhead remover. You can also moisturize your face using warm washcloth in the evenings. Whatever you do, don’t put a boiling hot washcloth over your face.
  3. Use blackhead removers or extractors. Whether you only need to remove the occasional nose blackhead or have it as a daily regimen, blackhead extractors such as Revlon Stainless Steel blackhead remover will make removing those blackhead on your nose easier. Just apply the pad on your nose with enough pressure and then peel. The blackheads should come out quite easily. Be warned though that care is required for the application or else you will tear your skin, causing more damage.
  4. Use astringents and acne medications. Astringents applied using cotton balls as well as acne medications such as benzoyl peroxide should help dry out the blackheads enough, so they will be removed with regular facial cleansing. Don’t go for anything less than a 2.5% for benzoyl peroxide.
  5. Keep your face from getting oily. Astringents will help control oil in your face, but more than that, follow a healthy diet that will not contribute to oily skin. Get enough fruits and vegetables to keep your skin healthy and glowing. Also, lots of exercise should help balance the hormones that control the production of oil in your skin. 
  6. Exfoliate regularly. Exfoliating will help get rid of dead skin cells, which are major contributors to clogging up your skin pores. It will also help get rid of the dead cells inside the pores that cause them to get misshapen and easily clogged. A skin exfoliant that has a 1% or 2% beta hydroxy acids (BHA) is usually enough to penetrate the lining of the pores.
Don’t ever try to squeeze those blackheads out. Sure, it may be tempting, but doing so may cause you to tear the skin, damaging it more than the blackheads could. Also, avoid using creamy or overly greasy skin products. When washing your face, don’t use bar soaps since the ingredients in them can clog your skin. Just keep in mind these tips and you should have a blackhead-free nose and face that will give you the right to be vain.

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