Obesity is the heavy accumulation of fat in your body to such a degree that it rapidly increases your risk of diseases that can damage your health and knock years off your life, such as heart disease and diabetes. Obesity has become an epidemic on a global scale and poses one of the greatest threats to human health and well-being in the 21st century. The World Health Organization has declared that obesity is a disease of pandemic significance that threatens the developing world as well as developed countries.
Most of the causes of obesity and related problems can be eliminated or controlled by regular regimen of what one eats and what one does. Proper guidelines are available in healthcare centers and also in popular magazines on nutritious and balanced diet and practical ways to exercise and keep fit. However, one should be careful about what method is best suitedfor him or her and how to adopt it.
Treatment of Obesity
- Nature gave men a balanced body, but the excessive food intake habits some people have tend to make them cartoons of themselves. As the weight-energy ratio shows, the more obese a person is, the more energy his body consumes merely to maintain itself and theenergy left for other activities is reduced. You’ll notice that those who live by manual labor seldom suffer from corpulence. It’s the leisured class, with nothing much to do but eat too much, who become fat.As such, for a fast, easy and healthy way to lose a lot of weight, eat lots of fruits and vegetables. In the 1920s, the catabolic diet was invented. It consists mainly of fruits and vegetables. This diet actually causes more weight loss than any other type of diet, and is far more effective than fasting or starvation. The reason for this is that these kinds of foods burn more calories to digest than are actually in the foods themselves.
- Reduce your overall fat consumption and choose “healthy” fats (like lean meat or nuts) over junk food. Limit your daily caloric intake to a healthy amount for size and lifestyle. Take a multivitamin everyday, and drink lots of water.
- Horse gram is rich in iron; it helps keep you in good body weight and is very effective in controlling obesity. To help control your weight, soak one to two tablespoons of it in a glass of water, allow it to rest overnight, and then take the soaked solution every morning on an empty stomach.
- Your food must contain at least one bitter or pungent food. This must be cooked minimally to maintain the juices intact. The bitter gourd and the bitter variety of drumstick are beneficial in this aspect.
- Every morning, have a few drops of lime juice in some water and honey. Drink this on an empty stomach. Honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. Ten grams of honey should be taken with hot water as a start—the dosage can be increased over time.
- Drinking less beer, or quitting drinking altogether, will help you lose weight. No matter who or how good looking the drinker is, beer is bad for a number of reasons. The most obvious reason is the caloric content of beer. The less obvious reasons are the inflammation of the pancreas and liver and the bloating that often accompany the overconsumption of alcoholic beverages. This includes alcohol mixed with sweet and sugary liquids like soda.
- Consuming less food loaded with sugar will help you to lose weight. The sugar found in junk food and soda is the kind of sugar that burns quickly, unlike those sugars found in fruits and vegetables, which burn more slowly. If your body is processing sugar to create energy, and you’re not using any energy, those sugars will be converted into fat for later use. If you’re going to enjoy sweets, enjoy them right before you use the Stair Master.
- Be warned that excessive dieting or starving in the name of fast weight loss without proper guidance of a nutritionists might help obesity but might also weaken the body and lead to problems like osteoporosis in the later age because of deficiency of calcium and other vital elements and vitamins. Moreover, this ‘fashionable’ approach involves the risk of disturbing the hormonal system as well.
- If one doesn’t regularly exercise and supplement it with haphazard weight loss programs—be it yoga-asanas, aerobics or practices taught in gymnasiums—one is most likely to regain the fat and body weight lost in the long run. The reason being that most of these remedies (except yoga-asanas, if accompanied by pranayamas) focus only at lessening the accumulated flesh and fat at the exterior of the body.Without regular exercise, even the healthiest diets can show minimal results. A combination of cardio (like running or biking) and strength training can help your body metabolize food more efficiently, decreasing the accumulation of excess cellulite and the overall appearance of fat on your body. If you’re not used to a lot of exercise, start slow; try walking a mile or two everyday before you take up jogging.
- Strength training is the most tempting place to begin for a lot of men, which is a good thing, but please ease your way into this method. Buy a book about good weight lifting techniques and work your way through it. Building muscle and toning it helps your body burn calories more efficiently, even when you’re just sitting around.
- There’s nothing wrong with strengthening your abdominal muscles, but it won’t get rid of obesity, belly fat in particular, like magic. You may want to consider not only working out your abs, but also working out your shoulders, pectorals, back and arms to help create a more shapely “V” figure, which will help reduce the appearance of your belly. Also keep this in mind: bulking up your muscles requires fewer reps (about 8) and fewer sets with greater weight. Building leaner muscle requires more reps, more sets and less weight.
- For people who’re quite serious about losing weight, nothing beats a good aerobic exercise regiment. Sure, bigger and stronger muscles burn calories more efficiently, but you need to be working those big muscles if you want them to eat up calories. So, in between your days of strength training, go for a walk, a run or a bike ride—anything to get your muscles working and those calories burning.
- Medication most commonly prescribed for diet/exercise-resistant obesity is orlistat (Xenical, which reduces intestinal fat absorption by inhibiting pancreatic lipase) and sibutramine (Reductil and Meridia, an anorectic). Weight loss with these drugs is modest, and over the longer term average, weight loss on orlistat is 2.9 kg, sibutramine is 4.2 kg and rimonabant is 4.7 kg.
- Orlistat and rimonabant lead to a reduced incidence of diabetes, and all drugs have some effect on lipoproteins (different forms of cholesterol). There’s little data, however, on longer-term complications of obesity such as heart attacks. All drugs have side effects and potential contraindications. It’s common for weight loss drugs to be tried for a period of time (e.g., 3 months), and to discontinue them or change to another agent if no benefit is achieved, such as weight loss less than 5% the total body weight.
- A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials by the international Cochrane Collaboration concluded that in diabetic patients fluoxetine, orlistat and sibutramine could achieve significant but modest weight loss over 12-57 weeks, with long-term health benefits being unclear.
- If you have the money, liposuction may help you, but not by much, especially if you already have severe health problems directly caused by your obesity. With this method, the thick layer of fat in the abdominal region is ‘sucked’ or ‘melted’ (and hence excreted by the body with other fluids) by diathermy or some special machines. Still, do remember that liposuction is just there to assist physically fit people to remove stubborn pockets of fat.The candidacy for liposuction are as follows: you must be of legal age (at least eighteen years of age), in good general health and already have a diet and exercise system but have ten-fifteen pounds of persistent fat in certain pockets of your body. So you must already be underway in losing weight or getting a healthier body before you can undergo this cosmetic surgery.
- Bariatric surgery (or “weight loss surgery”) is the use of surgical interventions in the treatment of obesity. As every surgical intervention may lead to complications, it’s regarded as a last resort when diet and medication haven’t proven to be successful.Weight loss surgery relies on various principles; the most common approaches are reducing the volume of the stomach and producing an earlier sense of satiation (by adjustable gastric banding and vertical banded gastroplasty). Others also reduce the length of bowel that food will be in contact with, directly reducing absorption (gastric bypass surgery).
Obesity can be a very embarrassing and dangerous malady, but most obese and overweight people don’t even consider themselves sick or at risk of being sick. Moreover, it can be very difficult to get rid of the extra weight, especially if you’ve gotten used to your sedentary lifestyle. The reason obesity is very prevalent is the mistaken assumption that it’s not a health condition in the first place.
As such, inform yourself about the dangers and truth of obesity. Make an effort to gain good dietary and exercise habits, realize the risks involved in being overweight and understand that this is a very preventable disease that can be treated most effectively by awareness and sheer force of will.
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