
Best Ways To Get Rid Of Porn Addiction

It’s only natural for boys and sometimes even girls to enjoy pornography every now and then. It’s entertaining and helpful, especially when you need something to help you curb your carnal cravings. When you’re feeling bored and you have the urge to pleasure yourself, you take out all your porn CDs and Playboy magazines and stare at the all the posters of nude models in your room. Sometimes you and your girlfriend or boyfriend even make home porn videos. It’s nirvana for you.
Indulging in porn comes naturally to you, but lately you’ve noticed that it’s all you ever think about. Everyday, you crave porn, porn, and more porn. Your room is cluttered with sexually explicit materials. When you don’t savor porn, you become cranky and moody. It even begins to take you away from your other activities and disrupts your daily routine.
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying porn, but when you focus on it too much, it can be very unpleasant. Think about it. Everyone will start thinking you’re just a horny pervert or a lewd and easy-to-get female. You have to get rid of this bad habit, once and for all. Here are several effective ways to do so.

Who Says I’m Addicted to Porn?

Many men and women question the morality of porn and say that it comes naturally. After all, human beings need to find something other than sex to help ease the carnal hunger they feel. Although porn is not downright immoral, they need to know when to draw the line. Sometimes they fail to realize their simple pastime has become an addiction.
This is the first and most important hurdle when overcoming a porn addiction — acknowledging that you have a problem. You have to make it clear and admit to yourself that what you have is a serious addiction. Remind yourself that it’s affecting who you are as an individual and your relationship with other people.
Here are several signs that you’re a porn addict.
  • You spend most of your day enjoying porn.
  • You feel moody, restless, bad-tempered and annoyed when you’re deprived of porn.
  • Watching and enjoying porn interferes with your work, home and social responsibilities and obligations.
  • You bring porn to school or to work.
  • You’ve already spent a great deal of money for porn materials, including high electric bills because of frequent Internet porn surfing.
  • You have given up other activities just to watch porn.
If you’re guilty of more than one of these traits, then you’re a certified porn addict. It’s time to get rid of that unpleasant habit.

Goodbye Porn

As soon as you decide to get out of your addiction, there’s one thing you should do — throw out all the porn you have! That means all the X-rated CDs and porn videos you have. You should also get rid of all your soft porn, including the dirty magazines and posters of naked women in your bedroom. Gather them all and put them in the trash. Burn them. Make sure you leave no trace of porn behind, not one CD, or any picture of a naked body.
The computer is another popular source of pornography for many individuals. With the numerous porn sites available on the Internet today, who can resist the urge? To solve this problem, take your PC from your room and put it in a public part of your home, like the living room. That’ll reduce your urge to download and view porn from the Internet. It’ll also allow your housemates or family members to keep an eye on you and make sure you won’t give in to the temptation of looking at online pornography. Besides, it’d be awkward to look at porn while your younger sister is peering over your shoulder, right?
Another reminder: Stay away from shops or stores that offer porn materials. Not only will you be tempted to start the habit again, but you’ll also spend money carelessly.
By keeping porn out of your sight, your temptation to use it will be lessened. Soon, you’ll feel your cravings become less intense. Eventually, your inclination to view porn will fade away.

Find Healthy Distractions

Since you’ve decided to let go of your porn “hobby”, you’ll have a lot of free time on your hands. It’s crucial that you fill in those empty periods, or your cravings for porn will come back. Chances are, you’ll crack and try to get your hands on some entertaining, explicit materials.
The trick is to find yourself some healthy distractions that’ll take up your free time. Think of creative activities and hobbies that you find interesting and enjoyable and busy yourself with them. Aside from watching men and women having intercourse, what else “arouses” you? Are you the outdoorsy type? Then, excite yourself by getting into extreme sports. Do you love art? Sign up for art lessons like photography, painting and sketching. Love food? Busy yourself in the kitchen and learn how to cook different dishes and cuisines.
Stick to these hobbies and make sure you genuinely enjoy them. After a while, you’ll forget about your porn addiction and it’ll ebb away.

Reduce Your Masturbation

According to many experts, masturbation is healthy and natural for everyone. For men, it’s even advisable to masturbate several times a week to help prevent unwanted erections. Even so, doing it several times a day, everyday of the week, isn’t very advisable. Although it doesn’t have any negative effects, excessive masturbation increases your testosterone level, making you crave carnal pleasure and pornography. It also makes you look like a horny pervert.
To help curb your craving for porn, jerk off less often than you usually do. The fewer orgasms you have, the lower your testosterone level becomes. Your inclination to use pornography decreases with less testosterone in your body.
Here’s an effective way to stick to this tactic: Keep track of your progress. Keep a calendar and take note of how frequent you masturbate. For example, reduce it to just one or two times in two weeks. You’ll see a gradual but apparent decrease in your porn craving, until it completely goes away.


The problem with many people is that they use pornography as a way to escape boredom or relieve depression and loneliness. They don’t notice that the more frequent they use these materials, the more addicted they become. The result? They end up having fun masturbating with porn while being constantly drawn away from other people.
To solve this dilemma, try and socialize more. Spend time with other people, instead of wasting it on dirty magazines and x-rated movies. Catch up with your friends and attend parties with them. Plan special celebrations and activities with your family. Make sure every moment you spend with them delights you deep inside.
You can also talk to them about your porn dilemma. Discuss the problem with them and how you’re struggling to get over it. Ask for their support. If they really care about you, they’ll help you without hesitation. You’ll soon realize that having people around you, especially those who love you, takes away your loneliness and turns you away from your vice.
Here’s another solution: get a girlfriend or a boyfriend, if you’re a female. Be in a romantic, mutually-beneficial relationship. Not only will it make you bloom and ease away your loneliness, but it’ll also distract you from your porn habit. Your partner can even help you get over your porn addiction. Besides, the love that you give and receive can be more wonderful and enthralling than any orgasm porn can give you.
Using porn materials to pleasure yourself isn’t a bad thing, but getting addicted to it can be disastrous. If you’re one of those who uses this type of material, maybe it’s time to evaluate yourself and check if you’re just enjoying this pastime or if it has already inhibited your being. If it has, then it’s time to try these tactics and get that erotic habit out of your system.

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