It’s that time of the year again where your employer requires all employees to submit to a mandatory urine test. Not that your employer is accusing you of a serious indiscretion or anything, but that the company just wants to make sure that you’re healthy and fit for work. A urinalysis is one of the best ways for companies to test whether or not a particular employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
While there’s no way that you can cheat a drug test, there are times that you do need to cleanse your body of toxins and other harmful substances before you submit yourself to a urinalysis. You may be recovering from a previous drug dependency, or that you’re under prescription medication that may alter the results of your urinalysis. Perhaps you have overindulged in a party and completely forgot about the urine test scheduled for you. Here are some ways that you can get rid of the toxins in your body in time for a urinalysis.
How a Urine Test Works
A urine test is one of the many tools and methods used by doctors to determine the physical health and well-being of a person. The substances, enzymes, proteins, and chemicals found in urine can give doctors an idea on what ails a patient, and the chemicals he or she has been introducing into his or her body. A urinalysis is one of the best ways to determine whether or not a patient has been taking in drugs, or shows signs of alcoholism.
Many people think that they can “fool” or “cheat” on a drug test by taking in various diuretics and other healthful drinks. A urine test is much more complicated than that; a urinalysis can still detect traces of protein, sugars, and ketone bodies that are found in urine. While you cannot get rid of complicated substances in your urine that are introduced through drugs and alcohol consumption, you can break down some substances to clean out your urine samples.
Remember that any method to purge your body of toxins requires that you stick to a regimen for at least three weeks. There’s no way that you can get rid of toxins found in urine in a matter of a few hours or a couple of days.
To get a healthy urine sample, you need to keep healthy urine patterns. Without a source of fluids, your urinary system will be forced to take water from your cells, which will result in a urine sample that’s high in protein, acids, and ketone bodies. It’s very important to keep your body supplied with water and fluids:
- Water. Plain water is still your body’s best source of water for urine. While you can try sports drink and isotonic water brands available on the market, there’s still no substitute for eight glasses of water a day.
- Milk. Milk is a very good source of fluid, as well as nutrients that help you keep a healthy body. Remember that milk will not disguise or mask complicated substances and chemicals found in urine. If you use drugs, all the milk in the world will not remove the chemicals found in a urine sample.
- Coconut water. Coconut water is not only an excellent source of liquids, but it also contains many healthy substances like potassium, iron, and magnesium that help result in a healthy urine sample.
Drink Natural Diuretics
The best way to get rid of toxins in your urine samples is to clean out your kidneys, which act as your body’s natural filtration system. Natural juices, drinks, and beverages can be used to clean out your kidneys, and help purge many of the toxic substances that can be possibly found in your urine sample:
- Apples. Apples are rich in potassium and many other nutrients that help keep a balanced pH in urine samples. They also help your kidneys filter toxins more efficiently. A couple of apples a day, or fresh natural apple juice, can help you get rid of many toxins in time for a urine test.
- Herbal teas. Green tea leaves, chamomile, nettles, dandelion leaves, and other natural herbal teas are very helpful to keep your body free from toxic substances, and to maintain healthy urine samples in time for a urinalysis. A good way to enjoy these teas is to steep them overnight in hot water, and drink them in a tall glass with ice and a level teaspoonful of sugar.
- Cranberry juice. One of the most well-known natural diuretics available on the market today is cranberry juice. The best cranberry juice is one you make yourself, although you can drink prepared cranberry juices made without additives or preservatives.
While it’s near-impossible to cheat or fool a urinalysis, there are still many ways that you could purge your urinary system out of toxins and other substances that may compromise your urine test. When you need to get rid of those toxins fast, here are the big guns you can use to detoxify your body and present a healthy urine sample to your physician:
- Beets. Sugar beets are an excellent source of dietary fiber, and also help encapsulate proteins and fatty acid deposits that build up in urine. Put some peeled sugar beets inside a blender or a food processor, give it a few short pulses, and drink the pulp.
- Oats. Oatmeal is a preferred cereal among many Americans, but it is also an excellent way to remove toxins from your body. Oats are rich in silica, which is a natural diuretic found in many cereals. Like beets, oats encapsulate toxins and other harmful substances. Instead of passing these toxins out of the body through urine, oat fibers expel these substances in the form of excrement. Stay away from processed oats and oatmeal bars, and stick with rolled oats for breakfast.
- Milk of magnesia. Perhaps the biggest detoxifying gun of them all, a small amount of milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide) is a great way to remove toxins from your urine. A small glass of diluted milk of magnesia (one teaspoonful to one tall glass) can help speed up the detoxifying process. Consuming too much milk of magnesia can be toxic, or may elevate the amount of magnesium that will be detected in your urine sample.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy urine samples come from healthy people who lead a clean and active lifestyle. Fooling a urinalysis is futile, so you need to stay away from drugs and moderate your consumption of alcohol and tobacco. You also need to exercise to stimulate your metabolism and keep the contents of your urine regular and normal.
Urine tests should be conducted regularly not only for your company to make sure you’re healthy, but also for you to get to know more about your health and well-being. With these tips to help you get rid of toxins for a urine test, you’re sure to pass with a clean bill of health ready for the work expected of you.
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