
Best Ways To Get Rid of Warts With Vinegar

Among the numerous dermatological problems people encounter, warts are perhaps among the most common, but detested types. Warts can occur in various parts of the body, including the feet, hands, and genital areas. They can come in different sizes, shapes and appearances, whether as single bumps or clustered groups. Warts are annoying, painful and unsightly, reason why you should get rid of them as soon as you see them growing on your skin.
Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV, which enters the body through tiny cuts and breaks in the skin. If you get too close to someone who has the virus, you can contract it too. These benign skin tumors feed on the blood vessels, causing soreness. Warts come in three kinds, the flat warts, the plantar warts and the genital warts.
Most warts disappear on their own, but you can also get rid of them quicker, if you want. There are numerous over-the-counter remedies that are readily available to diminish these infections on your own. These destroy the cells affected by the warts by either freezing or burning them. Cryosurgery is another popular procedure that also works by freezing warts off using liquid nitrogen.
There are also home remedies that can readily remove warts in an instant, like duct tape, aloe vera and castor oil
. Aside from these, another famous method is using vinegar.

The Benefits Of Vinegar

Vinegar is a popular all-around household product, and although it’s primarily used for cooking, it can also work great for cleaning, disinfecting and deodorizing. Vinegar also has numerous benefits on several health conditions, like cholesterol, yeast infection, heartburn and acid reflux. It also works great on many skin problems, like acne and warts.
For wart removal, apple cider vinegar is preferred by many people, although regular white vinegar is also appropriate. Whether plantar, flat or genital, this product works very well. You just need to know how to properly do it.

How To Do It

You need several items before you can proceed with this tactic. You can do this anytime you want, but it’s more advisable to do it at night, so you won’t be annoyed at having a bandage stuck to your skin all day.

Materials Needed:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Water
  • Soap
  • Clean towel
  • Cotton balls
  • Medical tape, band-aid or bandage


  1. Use the soap and water to wash and clean the affected area thoroughly. For best results, use an anti-bacterial soap. When you’re done washing, pat dry.
  2. Get a cotton ball and dampen it with the vinegar. You can do this by pouring the vinegar directly on the cotton ball, or dipping it into the solution. Make sure the cotton ball isn’t too full of vinegar, though, since that makes the ball harder to stick onto the skin.
  3. Position the cotton ball directly over the wart (or warts), with the vinegar-doused part directly on top of the wart. Seal it using a normal bandage, band-aid or some medical tape. Let it stay there overnight, or for a whole day.
  4. When removing the bandage and cotton ball, make sure to throw them away properly, so that the virus will not spread to other people.
  5. After removing the cotton ball, wash the area again using rubbing alcohol or anti-bacterial soap and water.
Keep doing this for a few days, until you see signs that the wart is disappearing. One tip: If the skin surrounding the warts is rough, rub it using a pumice stone first, before applying the vinegar. This helps loosen the skin, so it’ll go away along with the warts.

For Genital Warts

Of the three types of warts, this is perhaps the most difficult to deal with, because of their location. Genital warts are sexually contracted and they grow around the anus, the genital areas and the mouth. You can still use the apple cider vinegar technique on this type of wart, though. Wash the area, then attach a vinegar-doused cotton ball on the warts, securing it with medical bandage. Do this every evening, then remove the bandage in the morning.
Since the genital areas are more sensitive compared to other parts of the body, this tactic might cause a painful burning sensation on the areas. This means the vinegar is working properly, and is starting to exterminate the virus. Of course, the pain might also be very unbearable, making it hard for you to sleep or even move around. If this is the case, apply the apple cider vinegar solution for just three times a day, in 30 to 40 minute periods. This is better than having it on you all the time.

Consistency Is The Key

Proper application is very important, but that’s just half of the process. The other half is being consistent with the vinegar application and making sure that it stays fixed on the skin. If you don’t maintain this method, chances are the warts will not disappear, or they will, but after a very long time.
This vinegar method, if used properly, will take effect a couple of days after continuous application. The wart will throb, swell and hurt, but after a while it will turn black, harden and fall off. These can take between two days to two weeks, depending on the size of your wart. Most small warts are usually gone by the end of the first week.
Another helpful tip: Keep applying apple cider vinegar to the affected area for a few days to a week, even after the warts have disappeared. This helps ensure that the virus is completely eliminated and that the warts will not grow back.
Nobody wants to have unpleasant and painful warts spurting all over his or her body. You can try the doctor-recommended ointments and drugs, but if they don’t work well for you, you can always try this easy vinegar method. With a bit of patience and proper application, your warts will surely be gone sooner than you think. 

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