
Best Ways To Get Rid Of An Ice Cream Headache

It’s a hot summer day, and you’re sweating like crazy. There’s only one thing on your mind right now — your favorite ice cream! You watch as the ice cream guy starts piling the creamy stuff on the cone. When he givies it you, you immmediately take one huge bite.
You realize you’ve made a big mistake because now, your head is throbbing like mad. You feel like it’s tightening up and being crushed painfully. Thankfully, it slowly subsides after several seconds.
Before you start panicking and thinking you have an incurable illness or perhaps an “ice cream allergy”, you should know that this is sensation is common among many people. Some call it “brain freeze”, while for others, it’s popular as an ice cream headache. It’s unpleasant, but don’t worry because it’s not dangerous or life threatening.
Most people don’t mind getting ice cream headache, because it goes away quickly. It’s not like other headaches that require medications or rest. Even so, you still wish you can get rid of that painful sensation so you can enjoy your ice cream better.

The Basics On Brain Freeze
Ice cream headache starts when cold food touches the roof of the mouth or the palate. It triggers the nerves and blood vessels, making them think the brain might be in danger, causing them to send blood into your head, swelling the blood vessels. The added pressure ensures that the brain stays warm and protects it.
Unfortunately, the head also starts to pound and hurt when the vessels swell up. This sensation usually lasts between 10 to 30 seconds. In rare cases, it can last up to five minutes.
Despite it’s popular name, ice cream headaches don’t just come from this dessert. You can get it from any cold item, like slushy frozen drinks, ice pops or any cold drink such as juice, fruit shakes, water, cold soda, or milk. Sucking on ice cubes can also cause this problem.

No More Cold Treats
How often do you eat ice cream? Do you gobble it everyday? Is it part of your diet already? If you always have brain freeze, you might be eating too many cold treats. They’re delicious all right, but maybe it’s time to cut down on these desserts for a while. Lessen your ice cream consumption and opt for other sweet treats. Drink water at room temperature instead of having it ice cold. These simple ways will help you avoid that painful sensation.
If you really love ice cream and getting rid of this habit is out of the question, maybe you should try other ways to solve your headache problem.

Avoid The Palate
Brain freeze is caused not just by what you eat, but how you eat the frozen treat. When you put it in your mouth, do you move it around, so that it goes up to the palate? Don’t do this next time. That’s what triggers the headache. When the cold treat moves and rubs over the roof of the mouth, the nerves immediately become more sensitive and alert. The more you move it over that spot, the more blood rushes to your head.
To avoid painful brain freeze, don’t let the ice cream go to the palate. Just place it above your tongue or at the sides of your mouth. You can move it around, but make sure it does not reach the roof of the mouth. If no cold sensation reaches the palate, then you don’t have to worry about brain freeze.

Savor And Eat It Slowly
The problem with many people is they don’t savor the cold yummy treat while eating it. As soon as they get their hands on it, they quickly scoop large spoonfuls in their mouth or lick it until it’s all gone. Before they know it, the familiar throbbing feeling goes to their head signaling another brain freeze attack.
When you’re eating ice cream, don’t hurry so it won’t accidentally touch your palate. Take smaller bites at a normal pace. Eating slowly lets the body and the nerves become used to the change in temperature, so they won’t react. You can even let the food linger in your mouth for a few moments or if you feel your mouth tingling, stop for a few minutes before finishing it. Not only will this help you avoid ice cream headache, but you’ll also savor the delicious taste of the dessert better.

Create Some Heat
If you’ve been stricken with brain freeze already, try to minimize the cold sensation. Bring back the warmth in your mouth, especially on the palate. By doing this, the body defenses will back down, and the headache won’t stay long even as your mouth’s temperature will go back to normal. Here are some methods you can use:
  • Put your tongue against your palate and rub it all over that part. The friction will create heat. Keep doing this until you feel the pain subside.
  • Get some warm water and sip it slowly. It will fight the ice cream’s freezing temperature.
  • Make a “heat mask”. Put your hands over your nose and mouth and breath quickly, to produce warm air.
  • Tilt your head from side to side. Repeat this several times until the headache goes away.
Use Your Thumb
Here’s a unique solution to your ice cream headache. Take your thumb and press it against the roof of the mouth — not at the center but in front, just right behind your two front teeth. The thumb’s warmth can lower the palate’s temperature. It’s an odd cure, but it works. Just make sure your finger is clean.
I scream, you scream and everyone screams for ice cream but not for an ice cream headache. If you have unfortunately experienced ice cream headache, try these simple solutions. It’ll go away and you can start enjoying your yummy treat again!

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