They can often take days to begin to heal, and more than a month for any one outbreak to clear away completely. This makes finding a way to heal any cold sore outbreak as quickly as possible something anyone who has experienced the embarrassment of a canker sore a top priority.
Warm Salt Water is a tried and true way of helping to aid the healing of a canker sore which is inside the mouth. This is a way to disinfect the surface of the mouth throughout without spending any real money. The saltwater combination recipe is also very simple. simply use one half cup of water and up to 2 tablespoons of salt.
It can however be a bit painful as the salt is quite literally poured into the injury. It also does nothing to treat the pain which is associated to inner mouth canker sores. It is important to be sure not to swallow any of the warm salt water while swishing it. Doing so may cause nausea to occur.
Over The Counter Treatments are also very popular and many can help to aid in the speed of healing. Others are created solely to ease the pain of a canker sore outbreak. Both types of canker sore treatments are generally inexpensive, but work at different rates of efficiency. This is not only true for the brand purchased and use, but also for the person using the treatments. Sometimes trial and error may be needed to find exactly the right treatment for any outbreak.
Preventing a canker sore breakout might be the best thing for those who suffer from frequent blemishes. Sometimes this may mean adjusting the regular diet including limiting the amount of acid which is taken into the body on a regular basis. Cutting out colas or even citric acid might be necessary. It may also be helpful to include a multivitamin to help the body combat an outbreak as well. Remember to keep lips moisturized to avoid cracks or damage. These damaged spaces may later be more prone to a canker sore outbreak.
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