First, “spot reduction” is a misnomer. You can’t do a particular exercise to get rid of the fat in a specific area of your body. Second, the storage of fat in your body is entirely natural because it is part of your body’s mechanism. Fat storage takes place in a general area but it is only noticeable in some areas. Men store most of their fat in their tummies while women store theirs in their buttocks and thighs.
If you don’t have a problem with your thighs and buttocks, you may be dealing with fat from the other areas in your body, like your arms. The trick in getting rid of flabby arms is doing it as early as possible.
Getting rid of flabby arms includes specific exercises and overall fitness – it’s a package deal. Getting fit is not hard to achieve as long as you know the right exercises in reducing body fat.
Fat-Free Arms, Anyone?
Push-Ups – Yes, you hate push-ups. Everybody does. Then again, you have to face it. Push-ups are perfect for toning your arms and your body in general. The back of your arms is rarely used and it is susceptible to becoming flabby. When you use your arms, you use the front part. Regular push-ups will do the trick. If you are experienced you can try one-handed push-ups.
For a more complete workout, you can also try doing wall push-ups. In this exercise, you also get to work on your shoulders, too and at the same time you are positioned upside down. Doing wall-ups is easy. Just stand two feet from a wall. With your heels against that wall, kick into a handstand. Lower yourself down very slowly before you push back up.
You only need around three repititions to avoid falling on your precious head. If you are done, drop your legs forward but be reminded that you can do so in any direction. Standing up must be done with utmost care if you don’t want to feel light headed for doing it quickly.
Resistance Bands – Resistance bands are good for your arms and your whole body in general. You can buy resistance bands at a sporting goods store, a local drugstore or online shops. Chances are, the resistance bands are packaged with more exercises that are equally perfect for the different targeted parts of your body. You can buy resistance bands with handles and wrap them around your best post. Start pumping right away. You will surely feel the burn the morning after you have used them for the first time.
Lower fat intake – Lower fat intake comes with proper exercise. Your exercises will result to nothing if you don’t match it with a good diet. Lower fat intake doesn’t necessarily mean deprivation of food. Reducing your intake of fat will definitely reduce fat at the back of your arms. Expect to have your overall body fat reduced too.
By lowering your fat intake, you are automatically incapable of “spot training” so don’t even think about using slimming creams and rubs. You can’t reduce fat on a particular area because the storage of fat happens in the whole body. Then again, that shouldn’t worry you because you are spreading the whole blessing not only to your flabby arms but to your whole body as well.
Take a look at your eating habits. If you think it is not good, then eat grains like whole wheat (among other complex carbohydrates) and moderate your intake of lean protein. You also need to control the unsaturated fats you consume to be a healthier person.
Weight Lifting – Yes, woman, you need to lift some weight. Are you gasping already? There is no reason to, since if you have a best bet when it comes to toning up and strengthening your flabby arms, you have weight lifting to rely to. You may think that weight lifting will make your arms look bulky. That may be true, but only if you aren’t lifting reasonable weights. You can’t bulk up your flabby arms if you are lifting the right weights, coupled with more repetition.
Cardiovascular Activities – Cardiovascular activities are a requirement if you are talking about getting rid of flabby arms. You can do so with bike riding, swimming, jump roping and jogging among many others. Burn off calories as much as you can.
Dips – Dips target your triceps. Simply get a straight back chair and use one without wheels to avoid any accident. With your palms down, put your hands on the chair’s front edge. Your body should be lowered in front of your chair. To know if your position is correct, your fingers must be pointing forward and your back, toward the chair. Two steps: dip down and slowly push back up. Repeat this for 12 times.
Consult Your Doctor – Do not underestimate the opinion of your doctor. If you have been doing these exercises and you see no progress on your flabby arms, you may be suffering from any of the serious conditions namely hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. If you are gaining weight easily, you are suffering from hypothyroidism. If you keep losing weight, you have hyperthyroidism.
No Cheating!
One of the smallest muscles in your body are found in your arms --- you don't need to spend thousands of dollars and countless hours on the gym to get rid of your flabby arms.
Remember that before you even gather enough patience and trust, you need to be honest in doing your assigned exercises. If you need to do 12 repetitions for a particular exercise, don’t think about doing less.
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