The primary cause for gingivitis is the accumulation of bacterial plaque in between the small gaps of the gums and the teeth. Plaque is an invisible film composed of bacteria that forms on the teeth when food sugars and starch interact with the bacteria found in your mouth. Plaque can be removed through brushing, but it quickly forms again within 24 hours. If left for more than three days, plaque hardens under the gum line, turning into tartar. Tartar makes it more difficult to remove plaque buildup, and it serves as the home for bacteria. To remove tartar, professional dental help is needed.
The symptoms of gingivitis include swelling, softness, redness, as well as bleeding of the gums, especially when touched. A change in the color of the gums from pink to dusky red usually suggests the onset of gingivitis. For more advanced gingivitis, the major symptoms observed are grayish film on the teeth, excessive soreness of the gums, and enlarged lymph nodes.
When left untreated, gingivitis can spread on to cause other diseases outside the gum area. The infection caused by bacteria can spread throughout the entire oral cavity and down to the tissues. After damaging the teeth, the bacteria can enter into the blood stream. Because of this, other serious medical problems, including infective endocarditis and heart attack, can arise.
Severe untreated gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, which is a condition that causes the teeth to loosen and fall out of the mouth. Periodontitis also increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Studies show that women with periodontitis are more likely to give birth prematurely than women with healthy gums.
Taking care of not just your teeth but also your gums is an important part of overall health and hygiene. Mild gum diseases are actually dangerous, as they can quickly turn into deadlier diseases such as trench mouth, or acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.
Clean Oral Habits Lead to a Gingivitis-Free Life
Gingivitis can be prevented by proper oral and dental hygiene. That does not mean that you have to visit the dentist every month of the whole year – the key to having healthy gums and teeth is establishing a daily oral cleaning habit. To prevent gingivitis or to get rid of it, take time to properly floss and brush your teeth.
You need to allot at least five minutes for cleaning your teeth and gums two or three times each day. After every meal, the teeth need to be brushed and the mouth needs to be rinsed with mouthwash or other oral solutions. Flossing properly is also an important part of healthy oral hygiene. To put more emphasis on it, brush as if your life depends on it.
Don’t Brush off Gingivitis—Brush It Away
Properly brushing your teeth and gum area can prevent gingivitis. According to dental experts, brushing your gum line is the best way to prevent gingivitis. The gum line is a commonly neglected area when brushing, which is why it is prone to catching plaque. Plaque can trigger gingivitis, so do not let it accumulate in your teeth and gums.
Brush properly by angling your toothbrush at 45 degree to your teeth. This is the best ways to brush, as it cleans your gums and brushes your teeth at the same time. It is also wise if you keep two toothbrushes that you can use alternately. This way, you can allow one toothbrush dry and air out while using the other.
Remember to choose toothbrushes that have soft, rounded ends or polished bristles. Refrain from using stiff or hard bristles, as these can injure the gums. You can also use a power toothbrush that has an electrically powered rotary head. It can remove more than 98 percent of plaque, so you are assured of having a clean, healthy mouth.
It is also recommended to do gum massages at least once a day. To perform the massage, the gums are gripped between the thumb and index finger, and then rubbed gently. By massaging your gums, you increase blood circulation, keeping your gums healthy.
Overall Health Prevents Gingivitis
Aside from following proper oral hygiene, being healthy in all aspects is one way to prevent gingivitis. Being healthy involves eating healthy foods and avoiding damaging elements, such as vices and improper habits. One way to lessen the risk of gingivitis is to refrain from smoking. Cigarettes contain nicotine that can harm the gums, especially with regular smoking.
Maintaining a healthy diet also promotes gingivitis-free gums. Taking in the necessary vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and vitamin C, can prevent gingivitis, and later on, periodontal diseases. Gingivitis can lead to periodontal osteoporosis, which is a condition in which the jawbone gets brittle and shrinks, so be sure to eat plenty of calcium-rich foods.
Once You Have It, Treatment is Vital
The main form of treatment for gingivitis is through a process that removes the harmful bacterial growth from the teeth and gums. This treatment includes intensive dental cleaning using fluoride. This is done to remove the tartar and plaque build-up on the teeth and gums.
More advanced treatments are performed for worse dental conditions. Advanced treatments are performed to prevent the spread of bacteria throughout the entire mouth and other body parts. One advanced treatment is regeneration, which is done to restore the destroyed gum and bone tissues through bone grafts and protein treatments.
Another advanced treatment is pocket reduction surgery, which is done to fight the damage caused by ulcerative gingivitis. Pockets form in the mouth due to ulcerative gingivitis that encourages the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth. The surgery is performed to treat gum disease by reducing the size of the pockets. After the surgery, the clean gums are reattached to the teeth.
Many people neglect their dental health, only for them to realize too late that it is an important aspect of their overall physical health. Do not let dental problems such as gingivitis take over your life. To prevent dental diseases from occurring, remember to practice proper dental habits such as regular brushing and flossing, eating healthy, living healthy, and paying regular visits to the dentist for checkups.
A healthy smile can be your best asset, so do not let it rot away. Preventing gingivitis even before it starts is your best way to keep a healthy smile. Dental diseases such as gingivitis can also lead to other harmful medical conditions like stroke, so be vigilant about your dental health. Who knows – it could even extend your life.
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