
How to Get Rid of Raccoons

Raccoons seem like quite cute animals when seen on TV and pictures, but they are not so cute when they’re raiding your garbage or invading your home. They are very smart creatures who are resourceful when it comes to finding food and shelter. You will sometimes find that you have raccoons outside on your property that eat from your trashcans or your pet’s food bowls. They may also harass any outside pets you may have. The biggest problems with raccoons come when they make their way inside your home. They usually end up in the attic or chimney, but also have been known to enter through doggy doors.

Raccoons in Your Home

How to Get Rid of Raccoons Fast
It seems rather obvious why you would not want a raccoon sharing your home, but just in case you need convincing, here are a few reasons why they do not make ideal house guests. First, they can be very destructive. They want food and shelter and will do what it takes to get it. They can rip holes in your roof, tear up screens, rip up your duct work and destroy your insulation. They can break into food containers, even when they are sealed. A bigger problem comes from the urine and feces that they leave behind. Raccoon droppings often contain roundworms which can be transferred to humans and pets. They can also carry diseases, fleas and ticks. While it is true that there is a risk of rabies, it is a very small risk. In fact, there has only been one documented case in the United States where a raccoon infected a human.

Raccoon Removal

There are products that contain fox or coyote urine which you can use to try to repel the raccoons, but they are largely ineffective. You can also try ammonia, mothballs or transmitters which send out high frequency noises, but these tend not to work either. The only foolproof way to get rid of raccoons is to trap and remove them.

The problem with raccoons is that they are not small animals. If you manage to trap or kill one, it can be difficult to release it into the wild or dispose of the body. If released, it’s common for the raccoons to find their way back to your home. In many cases, people who try to trap and remove raccoons by themselves will end up getting injured or treating the raccoon in an inhumane way. Never try and approach or handle a raccoon – they are wild animals and WILL bite and claw the heck out of you.

What you should do is call your local animal control or someone who deals in wildlife removal. They will come out to your house, trap the animals and remove them from your property. This is the only surefire way to get rid of them.

Raccoon Repellants

If a raccoon is continually getting into your trash, try a few of these tips to discourage them. Purchase trash cans that have lids that lock into place and use a bungee cord to help hold down the lid. You can also place a heavy object on the lid such as a cinder block. Some people swear by baby powder on the lid because they say raccoons do not like the powder to get on their hands. You can also try playing a radio at a low volume. Raccoons might be turned off by the noise. Double bagging your trash can also be effective as it helps to mask the odor which attracts the raccoon in the first place.

Raccoons are very good at breaking through any defenses you set up, so you might have to try a few of these things before you can get raccoons to stay away from your home. You can also use repellents against those critters.

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